The Procuniar\ier-Bragunier-Brockunier
Family Genealogy
© 2003 by David Charles Procuniar
Current and\or Ongoing Research
October 20, 2014
Thanks to the diligent research of Debby Klemp Volpe she finally found the answer to “What may have happened to John F. & Agnes F. Procuniar’s youngest child Phyllis Procuniar” (b-1899 Cincinnati, OH) and the other Phyllis Frances Procuniar born May 1905.
Debby’s family mentioned over the years that her grandfather Merritt Procunier spoke of his sister Phyllis from time to time. We know from the 1900 Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio Census that a Phyllis Procuniar was listed as John F. & Agnes F. Procuniar’s daughter born in June 1899 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Phyllis left Cincinnati in 1902 with her family and relocated to Cook County, Illinois. After that I cannot find any records of this Phyllis Procuniar born in 1899.
However Debby’s mother Renee Eileen Procunier Klemp (daughter of Merritt Procunier) always maintained that her father mentioned that he had an older sister named Phyllis Procuniar but that she married and moved away from Illinois prior to Renee being old enough to remember her aunt Phyllis or what she looked like. It was obvious to me that if there was a daughter Phyllis born to Claude & Laura Procuniar in 1905 that it could not be the daughter of John F. & Agnes F. Procuniar since their daughter Phyllis was born in June 1899. Phyllis (born in 1899) was six (6) years old when Claude’s daughter Phyllis was born.
At the young age of 14, Phyllis became a domestic servant in a home in the Chicago, Illinois area (1913) as per Richard Hauschild. This must be the Phyllis Procuniar born to John & Agnes Procuniar in 1899 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Merritt F. Procunier, Claude's son, started work early in life. Lived at times with sister, Phyllis, in home of grandma Agnes.
During the past few years of research Debby Volpe found out that there are two Phyllis Procuniars that we keep getting mixed up. Actually the Phyllis Procuniar that was born to Claude & Laura Procuniar on May 26, 1905 was named Frances Procuniar. However Debby found records that on October 16, 1941 Frances Procuniar applied for and was approved by the State of Illinois a name change to Phyllis Frances Procuniar/ier. That in itself is what caused so much confusion now that we have two (2) Phyllis Procuniers to sort out in our research.
Phyllis Frances Procuniar/ier daughter of Claude & Laura Procuniar married Albin G. Freeman in April 1923 in Indiana, Phyllis was 18 at the time and actually signed her application for marriage as Phyllis Procuniar instead of Frances Procuniar/ier. On the marriage application Phyllis lists her residence as Gary, Indiana and Albin listed his residence as Chicago, Illinois.
I am not sure why Frances signed her name as Phyllis instead of Frances on her marriage application but speculation is that they ran off from Chicago to Indiana to get married without the family’s blessing. Frances just turned 18 years old when she applied for a marriage license in 1923. She didn’t officially change her name from Frances to Phyllis Frances until October 16, 1941. Phyllis and Albin Freeman together had four children that were reported on the 1930 US Federal Census for Cook County, Illinois. On that census it shows Phyllis had four children, Albin, Gloria, Claude & Marie all born in Illinois. Albin’s mother Alice Freeman was living with them in 1930.
At the young age of 14, Phyllis became a domestic servant in a home in the Chicago, Illinois area (1913) as per Richard Hauschild.
No one seems to know her ware bouts in 1996, Debby Volpe and her mother stated that Phyllis was not John Franklin's daughter, that Phyllis was the daughter of Claude Procuniar, but at that time had no proof or references to support this theory other than Debby's mother's memory of someone stating that Phyllis was the daughter of Claude. See below for proof of birth to John & Agnes Procuniar: Phyllis is listed (shown) on the 1900 Cincinnati Ohio Census as the daughter of John and Agnes Procuniar.
Email from Debby Volpe Oct 27, 2003
Hi David,
Ok, so this isn't the weekend...but it's close enough. I ran out of time yesterday and since I wanted to tell you a bit about what led to this discovery, I thought I would wait until I wasn't so tired.
Okay ... so here is how I stumbled on this whole thing. I was looking for my mother's family, the Merritt F. Procuniers, on the 1930 census. I knew they should be out there as my mom was born in 1928. I found the listing: Marit, Viola, Robert and Renee at 2939 Berteau, Chicago, Illinois. For some reason I started looking at the other pages in the enumeration district they were in when I happened upon a Phyllis Freeman and family living at 3216 Berteau. I said, "Wouldn't that be weird if this was our Phyllis?" I remembered it said that she married some man named Freeman and here was a Phyllis Freeman, 24 years old, living on the same street as Merritt. Upon further look I saw that her father was born in Ohio and her mother in Illinois which would coincide with the information that I have for her. (assuming Claude and Laura were her parents). This Phyllis' husband was listed as Alvin Freeman, born in Minnesota. I didn't know what to do to prove this might be our Phyllis so I went to bed. But I couldn't get her out of my mind and a few days later, I was up late at night and I put in a search for online databases that led me to the Newberry Library and a database belonging to the Minnesota Historical Society death records. For kicks, I put in the last name of Freeman and lo and behold, up popped the death record for one Albin Freeman; Father's name: Albin and mother's maiden name PROCUNIER. Of course, I sent off for the certificate right away and when it came back it showed Mother-Maiden Name, Phyllis Procunier. I am waiting for copies of birth records for Albin and his siblings (as shown on the 1930 census) and hope to get some kind of information off of them. Also I am going to try and obtain a marriage record for Phyllis and Albin G. and see what I can learn from that.
I was so excited about this. My mom told me that Phyllis had visited them and that my grandfather wouldn't let her in the apartment but talked to her in the hall and that she brought stuffed animals, or something for her and my uncle Bob. So that is what led me to wonder if this Phyllis on Berteau was the one we have been looking for.
I will definitely keep you posted as new things develop. But here is what I have so far:
From the 1930 Census:
Head of Household: Alvin 32 yrs. old
Phyllis 24 yrs old Wife
Albin 5 yrs old Son
Gloria 4 6/12 yrs old Daughter
Claud 2 6/12 yrs old Son
Marie 6/12 yrs old Daughter
Alice 61 yrs old Mother born in Sweden
Albin, the son, dies single in 1968 in Minnesota.
Well, I am getting tired so I am going to sign off for now. I will keep you posted.
1930 United States Federal Census
NAME: Alvin G. Freeman
Alvin Freeman
Birth Year:
abt 1898
Home in 1930:
Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Map of Home:
View Map Marital Status:
Relation to Head of House:
Spouse's Name:
Phyllis Frances Procuniar Freeman
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's name:
Alice Freeman
Mother's Birthplace:
Parents' birthplace:
View image Neighbors:
Alvin Freeman 32
Phyllis Freeman 24
Albin Freeman 5
Gloria Freeman 4 [4 6/12]
Claud Freeman 2 [2 6/12]
Marie Freeman 0 [6/12]
Alice Freeman 61
April 2, 2012 ... From the William Bragunier lineage ... Both Ann Thompson [] & Nancy Fatheree [] have contacted me concerning the William Bragunier lineage. They both are still attending Genealogy Conferences in their pursuit of their family history. I hope to meet both of them this year during a Cincinnati Conference.
David Procuniar
August 18, 2007 ... from the George & Anna Eve Bragunier lineage ...
Email from Joan Pernoud ... Joan wrote me back in November of 2006 pointing out that I had the wrong Susanna Bragunier married to Emanuel Tice in 1840, but due to my forgetfulness I did not make the correct changes in the website. Joan wrote me on August 18th 2007 reminding me that the information on my website was still incorrect. Thank you Joan for keeping after me to make the changes. Please look at Susanna Bragunier's webpage at: for the corrections. It was Susanna Bragunier (daughter of Jacob & Elizabeth (Palmer) Bragunier) who was married to Emanuel Tice and not Susannah Brockunier (daughter of Daniel & Barbara (Rohrer) Brockunier). dcp
May 6th 2007 ...
Samuel Procuniar lineage … Click on this link for details:
Over the years from time to time a comment (rumor) has been made by one or more of my father’s siblings that my father was either adopted or fathered by someone other than my grandfather John Henry Procuniar. My father even added fuel to the rumor saying to my mother when they were dating that his real parents were gypsy folk living in the Dayton, Ohio area and a trade was made by John & Oney Procuniar. If that is the case then neither John Henry Procuniar nor Oney King Procuniar are the blood parents of John Thomas Procuniar and me and my siblings are not Procuniar’s at all.
After one of my father’s brothers (my uncle) spoke of that same rumor again recently (placing seeds of doubt whether my father is the blood son of John Henry Procuniar or not) my sister Penny Procuniar Larson (after conferring with all her siblings) decided to prove or disprove my uncle’s allegations by contacting a DNA company FamilyTreeDNA and doing a DNA test of my uncle and me that would prove or disprove if my uncle and I are from the same bloodline of my grandfather John Henry Procuniar and put this rumor to rest.
Penny contacted FamilyTreeDNA (their web address is ). The genetic samples are taken by a mouth swab and mailed to the laboratory. Results take from 6 to 8 weeks to trace the male line, the Y-chromosome is inspected. The results would determine if our (David & siblings) paternal line matches with our Uncle Sam's paternal line.
Here's an excerpt from the site:
Y DNA 26--Family Line Verifier TM (26 markers). This test is best for those whose primary objective is to determine relatedness to a specific individual(s) or family line(s). If you are just getting started using genetic testing in your family research and want a choice that can eliminate relationships and lend substantial support for your genealogical conclusions, choose this test. This test improves your time to the Most Recent Common Ancestor by 3 generations.
When Penny called the company, she was told the Y-DNA 12 marker would work, but if we need to test farther, we can add on a test, without getting further samples, that would require $49 each tester.
I took my DNA test on Friday May 4th 2007 and will report the results on this webpage in six to eight weeks.
David C. Procuniar
Peter Procunier Jr. lineage:
From: Fred Landenberger []
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2007 6:28 PM
Dear David, For some time my cousin, Roberta Procunier Swenson, has been after me to send you a short biography on my Mother, Thelma Mae Procunier Croson. I did write something and then have delayed sending this to you until now. Please edit the following as you wish and ask for any additional information you feel should be used. The above is our email address and my home address is Pat Landenberger, 946 W. Camino Guarina, Green Valley, AZ
Sincerely, Pat Croson Landenberger
Peter Procunier Jr. lineage:
I want to thank Roberta Procunier Swenson for taking the time to write her Biography for us to enjoy. As you read her biography, Roberta makes you feel like you were right there with her as a child & throughout her life. You can go to her biography by clicking on her name in our Procunier Family Tree or click HERE
I received email from Joanne (Stowe) Morrow (click on the above link (right top)) who is researching her Stowe lineage and came across the surname Schuyler Stowe Procunier. Joanne is seeking help in her quest to find more Stowe lineage along with the Schuyler Procunier family.
RE: Website update
Thursday 16 Nov 2006
I now have 21 and a half great grandchildren. Also, do you remember that I am related to the Wright brothers through their connection to the Curtis family? But you are to be commended about what you have done so far. Art's been so busy in Lions, which means I have been busy typing for him, for 5 years or so that I have put aside SOME of my genealogy stuff. Now that most of that is over, I hope to get back into at least my own families. We had 3 power outages yesterday here. Even at the coast that didn't happen. We are so happy to have found this perfect place.
Love, Jean
Guest Book Enrty
Signed Guest book
Monday 10/30/06
Bonney Lake WA
I am the daughter of Leah Rachael Procumier Miner Barker. Leah was born March 31, 1918, the daughter of John Henry Procunier, who was born January 1877 and died in 1958. My mother Leah was first married to Elroy H Miner, Sr. They had five children: Elroy Herbert Miner, April 24, 1937/June 16, 2002 Margaret Mary Miner Avery, July 13, 1938, living David Lawrence Miner, died shortly after birth, 1940 George Edward Miner, February 22,1942, living Leah Catherine Miner Barker Lekas, March 1, 1946, living Leah Rachael married Verl Elroy Barker and they had one son, John Scott Barker, Born July 10, 1952. Scotty was killed in a car accident a few days before his sixth birthday. Elroy, Jr., Margaret, George and Catherine each had two children. I have more information at home.
October 5, 2006 Email
From: Sean Procunier
Subject: Update (family information)
Hi David
Thanks for touching base with me but I now have another son his name is Dalton Jack Procunier born March 31,2006.
I will have a look at the new site.
Have you ever had any luck finding a color version of our coat of arms???
September 12, 2006
From: Melody Rae Ventre
Hello I found my name in your family tree; Joanne Tressler is my mother. If you can contact me I can update your record I have 2 children and my brothers and sister have grand children.
Thanks Melody Rae Ventre 1964
PS: I sent a reply the same day I received this email, but have not heard from Melody as of 9/18/2006 David Procuniar
Sept 1, 2006
Anne and Dennis Fagan []
I discovered your website yesterday and was amazed. My husband is the grandson of Jessie Winnifred Procunier, who was mentioned in a note by Lisa Young. All the information that she had stated was as we have, except that Jessie’s mother was called Laura, nicknamed Muddy, and she had a clubfoot. I noticed that in the lines I traced on your site, there was an isak who was shown as a cripple. I Am jumping here, but clubfootedness was genetic and at that time called ‘cripple’. I am hoping that you might have Lisa Young’s email address- the one on the website is 5 years old and doesn’t work. She is obviously a cousin, and we’d love to find her. But more than that, I would love to find Jessie’s connection to your line, since I can’t get beyond Jessie on my own.
Anne Fagan
Sept 5, 2006
From: David Procuniar []
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 5:12 PM
To: 'Anne and Dennis Fagan'
Subject: RE: Procunier research .. response
Hello Anne Fagan,
I am so sorry it took a few days to answer your email but I received it at the start of this holiday weekend and was busy with family celebrations.
Thank you for the complement on my Procuniar/ier genealogy website. That website is an older website so I can not add anything to it anymore. I stopped paying a monthly charge over a year ago for that website but they still keep the site up so I am not complaining. I am in the process of starting up a new website with the same information on it that I can “add to” but that is taking time.
As for the email that Lisa Young sent me … I still can not add Jessie Winnifred Procunier to my family tree since Lisa nor anyone else has sent me any proof of Jessie or her families existence. Since Jessie was born in Canada in 1876 there should be church records of the birth or at least some family bible recordings listing Jessie and her family. Lisa Young has never sent me any “proof” (as they call it in the genealogy circle) of Jessie’s lineage. Lisa says that Jessie is listed in the 1900 census in Wisconsin (US) but never sent me a copy. I could not find a Wisconsin census here in our local Ohio library. Lisa said that there was information on the marriage & death certificate of Jennie concerning her parents and Lisa said she would send me a copy of those certificates but never did or forgot that she said she would send me a copy.
I would “love” to add Jessie and her lineage to “OUR” family tree but lack the positive proof that we need. Can you help me out here? As for the clubfoot parallelism you proposed … I completely concur that you might be headed in the right direction.
I have tried to make contact with Lisa Young but have failed as you have. I was hoping that she would look at the website again and send me a “Hello”!
I am sorry to say that I have been sitting on the email information Lisa sent me for about five years and I am really disappointed that I can not have positive proof of Jessie’s lineage. My mind must be going because I can not find the information you mentioned about me mentioning Isaac as a cripple.
Together I hope we can connect Jessie to the Procunier lineage!
Hoping to hear from you soon!
David Procuniar
Anne's answer Sept 18, 2006:
Anne and Dennis Fagan []
Oh, thank you for answering. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t immediate! I am working so hard on my husband’s line, and have been quite successful with his father’s line, but couldn’t get beyond Jessie Winnifred, who was a dear soul I knew her for her last four years and loved her.
I have found her on a couple of census reports and will be happy to email them to you, or tell you which reports so you can look them up. I also have her death certificate. And her father’s name IS listed differently than it is on her birth certificate. But since my husband’s mother gave that info to the authorities for the record, it is possible or even probable that Mom forgot the name, or just got it wrong. Please tell me what I can send you on her, and how.
And I am praying I will find a connection to you family so that I can go further for her.
And good luck with the new website – what a boon that is for families searching for their dead!
September 2006
Email from Ben Palmer 9/5/06
Dear David,
Got a new spelling for you. My father, Dr. Fred Shank Palmer, edited the Civil War Diary, 1861-1868, of John Koogle. It is listed as "John Koogle's Dairy" at the Frederick County [MD] Public Library [Maryland Room]. He mentions taking his brother Jacob to enlist in Middletown and Frederick [for shipment to Baltimore]. He said Capt. "Magoiny" was the captain from Middletown. In fact it was Alfred Bragonier. Jacob Koogle enlisted along with the others in the company in about March 1862, possibly as Lt. but was known as Capt. after war. He fought in 29 battles; was never wounded; and received the Medal of Honor in 1865 at Five Forks. Bragonier mystified me because we had no others around here. Why was he selected Captain? He did come back to Middletown; had about 10 ch; was listed as some kind of shoemaker; then went to Baltimore before 1900. But it was a challenge to figure out that "Magoiny" was "Bragonier" or "Procuniar" . The author taught school and no other word was misspelled.
I am also interested in Elizabeth Palmer marrying Jacob Bragonier. "Palmer" was originally "Balmer" from Germany and Switzerland. Do you have any other data on Elizabeth Palmer? I will check our local records on more data on Alfred. Middletown Valley Register, Frederick News-Post, and Waynesboro, Pa. have newspapers from before the Civil War.
In the Hagerstown census, I found "John Waggonier" in Dist. 3 along with "Jacob Braygoonier" and another "Bragoonier".
Look in HeritageQuest or (1820?)
Thanks a million for the data on Alfred. Elizabeth being Reformed helps identify her.
Actually, people could be baptised or married by another preacher.
Ben Palmer <>
Middletown, Md.
Email January 18, 2006
Karen Stegall []
I was on your website and you listed 'Brigner' as one of the spelling of the family name. Where did you come across this last name? I tried to go through all the links and couldn't find it. I want to see if my family is linked to this one.
Thank you,
Email January 10, 2006
Sean Procunier email
I would like to update you with the growth of my family. I now have a son Dillon Michael Procunier who was born Feb. 7, 2001. We also have another son on the way and is due in April 2006. I keep checking the website for updates. I was wondering if you have a good copy of the family coat of arms that you could send to me.
Sean Procunier
Email November 2005
Shirley Lancaster
Dear David,
So glad I finally got to talk to you. I was so surprised when I put my name into Google and up came your website saying you were looking for me.
I am looking for more information on two of Elizabeth Lancaster's sisters. Margaret, who was first married to John Halladay and after he died she married George Molby, is buried beside her sister Elizabeth in Custer, South Dakota. I have not been able to find a marriage for Margaret nor any information on her two children, Charlotte Halladay and Josiah Halladay, both born in Ontario. I do have her in Ontario in the 1881 census still using Halliday as her surname so presumably she married George after 1881.
In the 1880 census for Lister Township, Woodbury Township, Iowa there is a Adline living with Frederick and Elizabeth. She is listed as Adline Procunier but I think she is Adline Lancaster who married Isaac Newton Procunier. Age, place of birth fit well.
Any help you can give me on these girls would be wonderful.
I was in Salt Lake City this past September and made note of a series of books "Some Black Hills area cemeteries, South Dakota" but all three of the books were missing from the shelves. If I can find an email address for the FHL I'll contact them and see if the books have surfaced and if they would search the index for me.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Best wishes,
Shirley Lancaster
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Email November 2005
Shirley Lancaster
Dear David,
Thought a genealogy report of my research on Adelade Lancaster might be useful to you. Here it is:
Descendants of Adelade LANCASTER
Generation No. 1
1. ADELADE7 LANCASTER (THOMAS HODGSON6, JOSEPH5, WILLIAM4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1856 in Upper Canada, and died 1881 in Iowa, USA1. She married ISAAC NEWTON PROCUNIER 12 Mar 1879 in des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA2, son of FREDERICK PROCUNIER and LOUISE GARDNER. He was born 07 Nov 1858 in Ogle, Ogle County, Illinois, USA or Mondamen, Iowa, USA3, and died 12 May 1940 in Gillette, Campbell, Wyoming, USA.
1910 Census - Weston County, Wyoming, USA - Isaac Procunier, 51, b. Illinois; Minnie, wife, 41, b. Michigan; Virgil, son, 21, b. Iowa; Avon, 16, b. Iowa; George, sone 12, b. Iowa; Goldie, dau, 7, b. Wyoming. (see printout).
1920 Census - Weston County, Wyoming, USA - Isaac N Procunier, head, 61, b. Illiois; Minnie, wife, 51, b. Michigan; Avon, son, 25, b. Iowa; George, son, 22, b. Iowa; Goldy, dau, 16, b. Iowa (see printout)
1930 Census - Campbell County, Wyoming, USA - Isaac N Procunier, 71, head, b. Illinois; Earl Dewing, son-in-law, 30, b. Missouri; Goldie Dewing, dau, 26, b. Wyoming; Gloria, grandaughter, 1 10/12, b. Wyoming. (see printout).
Cemetery: 19 May 1940, Mt. Pisgah Cemetery, Campbell County, Wyoming, USA4
Obituary: 14 May 1940, New-Record5
Marriage: 12 Mar 1879, des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA6
i. ELIZABETH ADELINE8 PROCUNIER, b. 17 Sep 1881, Danbury, Woodbury County, Iowa, USA7; d. 21 Apr 1942, Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska, USA; m. WILLIAM RILEY JOHNSON, 22 May 1909, Bassett, Rock County, Nebraska, USA8; b. 27 Mar 1857, Deloit, Denison County, Iowa, USA9; d. 12 Apr 1932, Longpine, Cherry County, Nebraska, USA.9.
Marriage: 22 May 1909, Bassett, Rock County, Nebraska, USA10
1. C.L005 - Lois Leggott, Email 17 July 2003.
2. V018 - Vital Records, Iowa, USA, Iowa Marriages 1851-1900, Isaac Procunier m. Adaline Lancaster 12 Mar 1879 Polk County, Iowa.
3. C.P009 - Procunier Family, Website of Dalene Smith.
4. J076 - Wyoming USA Cemeteries, Email 28 Feb 2004 Carolyn Marvin, Burial Records of Mt Pisgah Cemetery - Isaac Newton Procunier b. 7 Nov 1858, buried 19 May 1940.
5. L001 - Wyoming Newspapers, New-Record, 14 May 1940. Page 40. Died Sunday evening. Born in Illinois, had been in Wyoming since 1900, for the most part engaged in farming. At the time of his passing, he lived about six miles southeast of Gilette. He was 81 yrs, 6 mos, 5 dys. Isaac was married in 1884, his wife, Mrs. Minnie Procunier, passed away June 7, 1929. He is survived by three sons, Virgil, Avon and George, all of Newcastle; two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Bennett and Mrs. Goldie Dewing, both of Gilette; and one sister, Mrs. Addie Chapman of Portland, Oregon. Funeral Services .... Tues May 14, at First Presbyterian Church. The Rev. S C Ryland will officiate. Interment Mt. Pisgah cemetery.
6. V018 - Vital Records, Iowa, USA, Iowa Marriages 1851-1900, Isaac Procunier m. Adaline Lancaster 12 Mar 1879 Polk County, Iowa.
7. C.P009 - Procunier Family, Website of Darlene Smith.
8. C.P009 - Procunier Family, Dalene Smith's Website, William Rily Johnson s/o Noah V johnson & Sarah Jane Mason.
9. C.P009 - Procunier Family, Dalene Smith's Website.
10. C.P009 - Procunier Family, Dalene Smith's Website, William Rily Johnson s/o Noah V johnson & Sarah Jane Mason.
October 24, 2004
I want to thank J. Robert Bragonier from Recondo Beach , CA for his diligence in keeping us up to date on the Bragonier side of the family. You can see the Bragonier family tree by clicking on HERE. dcp
April 2004
George Braganier George Stott []
My name is George braganier. I was named after my fathers dad.My father was donald gene braganier.He has a brother named john braganier,My father has never seen or spoken with his father or brother after they left him and his mom and moved ( i think) to new york during the depression. donald braganier was born in florida in the late 1920's. let me know if we are related
April 14, 2005
Rob Swinson
Hi, David.
Thank you for getting back to me. The HARROD family I am researching moved to Little Cove, PA in the early 1700's with some other families and some of them were still living there when the settlement came under an Indian attact that took place 29 Feb. 1756. One of my HARRODs there at the time, the widow of John HARROD Sr. (b. 1700; d. 1754 at Little Cove, PA), with eight of her children managed to escape to the east of Little Cove by way of Cove Gap.
I will very be very interested in reading the Richard Winger letter if you are fortunate enough to locate it! Would there any other source that you might know of for a copy of the letter?
Thanks for looking.
In a message dated 04/14/2005 10:18:27 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
I apologize for taking so long to answer your email. I have looked high and low for Richard Winger’s letter but can not find it. I promise I will continue to look for his letter and get back with you if I find it.
Also … I do not have any information on your Harrod family.
Good luck in your research,
David Procuniar
April 14, 2005
Rob Swinson
Hi, David.
I was reading your, "The Procuniar\ier-Bragunier-Brockunier Family Genealogy" posted on the internet and came across the following reference:
"Mr. Richard Winger, who was not related but was a friend of the wife of the
late Abraham Bragonier and gave us information concerning the Little Cove,
Pennsylvania and Franklin County, Pennsylvania area!"
I am doing some research on a HARROD family that were early pioneers in thie Little Cove, PA area, and would greatly appreciate knowing the information Mr. Winger provided regarding Little Cove and Franklin Co., PA.
Thank you.
Rob Swinson
(316) 262-1922
April 2, 2004
On February 29th 2004 someone named Shirley Lancaster called my home, left a message saying she was from Ontario & was looking for descendents from Elizabeth Lancaster Procunier. The message came at a busy time & was erased accidentally. If anyone knows this Shirley Lancaster from Ontario please give her my email address. Elizabeth Lancaster married Frederick McKinsey Procunier in January 1868. My research shows no children as a result of this marriage.
David Procuniar
Email April 13, 2003
From: Mrs. Nevada Boslet []
I was wondering if I could ask you about your information on Andrew McCleish Procunier? You have that he married Mary Jane Tally in 1890? He actually married Mary Jane Saxton in 1890, she is my great great great great grandmother. I am not sure who he may have married before her though. I have a picture of Andrew and Mary infront of a store that they owned in Nebraska. I would like to exchange info with you if I could on Andrew? Thanks for you time.
Mrs. Nevada Boslet
Email January 20, 2003
From: Doug McCoy
Doug McCoy [] As of 9/18/2006 this email address does not work!
The $25 is for the mailings you did years ago that no one payed for. I though i would help you on that matter. I have gotten a lot of information from you and am sure you had costs associated with it. I know when i go on a trip i spend about $2,000 each time. I do not want anything for the contribution.
I was married to Nancy Anne (Spicer) McCoy for 15 years. I was married to Mary Elizabeth (Fosso) McCoy for 30 years. They are both still alive and living in California.
I have a copy of my birth certificate only. I have death certificates on all the people you mentioned.. They are in my files in Wyoming, can send them to you when i get home if you like. Just courious why all the skeptics about wheather i am or am not a a valid relative. No need to send me any proof of your link to the Procunier clan.
I sure hope that i can get in touch with a few relatives when i go up to Canada. I am sure anxious to go up there, but have planned a spring trip to Colorado and AZ, NM, and a fall trip to California. for this year.
In your notes in this email your have my fathers B & D dates instead of my Mom. Iona May Procunier B-1916 D-1974.
Thanks for the informaton on your trip to Canada, and will try and locate those people when i go up there.
---- Original Message -----
From: David P
To: Doug McCoy
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: check
I received a check #351, as I said before it wasn’t necessary to send me any money for information that I may share with you. Can you specify what information you want for your $25?
Even though my excursion to Canada was brief I did come up with some new family history. I looked up the Procunier name in the Ontario Norfolk County phone book and found a few handfuls of Procuniers. One in particular was Rose Elaine Barber email is who has done some Procunier research. I think Rose has lost some interest in the family genealogy (because her email suddenly stopped) but the trials of life come before family history!
From the information you sent I see you were married in 1954 & 1970. Are you divorced or are your past wives deceased?
I would like some sources that link you to the Procunier clan if you will bare with me here. Would you possibly have a copy of your birth stating that your mother was Iona May Procunier and possibly your mother’s birth or death certificate stating that Virgil Newton Procunier was her father? That way when I add you to the family tree I can say for sure you are one of the clan. I would be more then happy to send you any certificates you need to verify my link to the Procunier clan!
Here is what you said in an email: When i was in Iowa, this year, i ran into a couple of Bragunier's in a small cemetery. When I get home will send pictures of their markers. With the information I have they dont belong to us but maby you have them on yours. During my search I have found that there are several Bragunier’s who are related to the Procunier clan. Below is your lineage as you have told me:
Doug R. McCoy 1934-
Iona May Procunier 1911-1935
Virgil Newton Procunier 1889-1942
Isaac Newton Procunier 1858-1940
Frederick McKinsey Procunier 1838-1907
Isaac Procunier 1809-1857
Peter Procunier Jr. 1764-1847
Peter Prakunier Sr. 1727-1804
Peter Prakunier’s name was spelled Prakunier on deed records and census but was changed the last 10 years or so of his life. Peters death certificate spells his name Brockunier Sr. Peter Brockunier Sr. forgives some notes in his will for his son Peter Procunier who relocated to Norfolk Ontario Canada.
More to come!
David Procuniar
January 12, 2003
FROM Jeff Doner
thank you for the rsponse. your question and request were posted on a genealogy web site. you asked for info about your surname. thanks!
my connection is wright brothers' great grandparents and my greatgrandmother's great great grandparents were one and the same.
Original Message -----
From: David P
To: Jeff Doner
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: RE: Van Cleve
Just curious as to where you found my name and that I was still researching my Van Cleve family?
You asked how I found my genealogy details? After exhaustive research talking to any living relative, my first stop was at Wright State University Archives. There I found "The Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, Wright, Van Cleve Genealogies" which listed most of my Van Cleve family.
More Sources:
The History of Montgomery County Ohio 1882 by W.H. Beers & Co. page 28
Pioneer Life in Dayton & Vicinity Ohio 1796-1840 by John F. Edgar page 24
Miami Valley Genealogies Vol 3 K-W by Lindsay M. Brien page 134 (33)
I have read many of the Dayton Herald reunion columns (on microfilm at the Dayton Montgomery County Library-basement) especially the Dayton, Journal February 1877 article about Mary Van Cleve Swaynie's birthday party! This article was helpful in verifying some family connections to secure my application and acceptance into the Montgomery County First Families movement that the Ohio Genealogy Society has been doing in all of Ohio's counties. Actually my 4th-great grandmother Mary (Van Cleve) McCLain-Swaynie was the first white woman to set foot in Montgomery County in 1796. I will attach (from MS Word 2002) a file of that article which after reading you will know if this is the type of articles you are looking for in the Dayton Journal Herald.
I have company but will take a look at your linage to see if I can find something for you!
David Procuniar
January 12, 2003
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Doner []
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 12:06 AM
Also looking for wright brothers family lineage to find connection with my family. My great grandmother (1885-1995)Urania Keirns later Ritchie, then Hanby was related to Bishop Wright and Susan, through a fellow Freeman connection and would visit them in Dayton. She also was a recording Secretary for the family reunions writing columns in the Dayton (Herald?) daily back around 1907?? I remember reading them as a child. I have been unable to locate information and my Grandmother gave a chronicle of the history (book form) to a distant relative in CA who never returned them.
How did you find your gealogy details?? Could you help direct me?
Thank you.
(Doner was Donner who lead the parties to CA ... i.e. The Donner Party of 1846). Reached US pre revolution 1635??
better genealog. records.)
no procuniars in Columbus, OH, but one VANCLEVE.
October 20, 2001
1850 Ogle Co., IL census listing:
Peter Procunier, 30, farmer, Canada (Son of Henry Procunier Sr. & Frances (Weymer) Manuel)
1850 Ogle Co., IL census listing:
Peter Procunier, 30, farmer, Canada (Son of Henry Procunier Sr. & Frances (Weymer) Manuel)
Lisa Young sends us some more of her Illinois research from her lineage of Laura Procunier 1850-
Here are the Ogle Co., IL listings for the Isaac Procunier family, 1850 &1860, in case it's helpful to you.
1850 Ogle Co., IL, Nashua Twp pg 60a
Isaac Procunier, 40, farmer, Canada (Isaac is the son of Peter Procunier Jr.)
Anna, 42, Canada
Phebe, 13, Canada
Frederick, 11, Canada
Martha, 9, Canada
Leah, 6, Canada
Andrew, 3, Canada Mary, 1, Canada
(Peter and Elizabeth are on the next page, pg 60b)
some surnames on the same two pages in 1850 with Canada birthplaces -
Edmonds, McKinney, Welch, Price, Wilson.
1860 Ogle Co., IL, town of Flagg pg 423 (63)
Amy Pequnier, 50, Canada W (Widow of Isaac Procunier who died in 1857)
Isac, 17, Canada W, cripple
Andrew, 13, Canada W
Mary, 11, Illinois (I think)
William, 8, Illinois
Georgette Hayes, 3, Illinois
Pheobe Hayes, 23, servant, Canada W
Martha M. Pequnier, 19, Canada W
1860 Ogle Co., IL, town of Nashua
Fred Pequnier, 22, Canada W (son of Isaac Procunier & Amy (Annie) McCleish)
Eliza, 25, Canada W (Louise E. Gardner born November 02, 1842 in Cumberland, Canada)
Isaac, 2, Illinois
(There is a separate Comstock family in the same dwelling)
September 1, 2001
August was a productive month for visitors to my website.
Lisa Young sent us the following email on August 9th.
Hi David,
My name is Lisa Young, and I'm living in near Dayton too, in Kettering (at least for a short time - I'll be moving soon). I think I may connect into your Procuniers, and was wondering if perhaps you had more info than was listed on site that might help me clarify and add some more Procuniers to your database. My great grandmother was Jessie Winifred Procunier, who was born in Ontario, Canada 18 Jan 1876. According to the 1900 census, she had immigrated to the US (Wisconsin) in 1891 (age 15), and in 1898 married Theodore Rowe Young in Marinette, Wisconsin. She died in 1965 in Tacoma, WA. I don't know if any family immigrated with her in 1891, but she seemed rather young to have come by herself. Now, on Jessie's marriage cert. her parents are listed as John Procunier & Laura Procunier, and her death cert. says her parents are Albert Procunier and Laura Procunier. I suspect her father was the John Albert Procunier who was the son of Peter Procunier (b. 1820) and Elizabeth Baumwart, who are listed on your site. Interestingly, the mother's (Laura) *maiden* name is listed on two records as also being *Procunier*. This may still be an error, but perhaps both her parents were Procuniers! That 1900 census lists her mother (Laura) as born in IL, but her father born in Canada. Also fitting in with your line, she (Jessie) is supposed to have a brother named Clinton (and a brother named Charles), as well as having named one of her sons Charles Clinton (on your site it lists John Albert as having a brother named Clinton Aristotle).
The surname seems to be consistently spelled as Procunier with an "e", the only exception being that on one of her son's birth certificate (which was a delayed one), it says Procunier at the top, but then lists it twice as Pocunier in another section where the sources of information are listed.
I hope we can make a connection. My next step will be to try to track down a birth record for Jessie Procunier to get a better indication of her parents names and origins, but I don't know for sure what township or even county she was born in - will have to do some investigating. It would be nice to confirm that she is from the line on your website!
I really enjoyed your site,
Lisa Young
Kettering, OH
My response to Lisa's email:
It is more probable then not that your Procunier's are from the same family tree as ours, it is just a matter of finding the clue's that will point the way to where you fit into the family tree. I too am amazed at how many Peter Procunier's there are in the family tree, makes it a genealogists nightmare!
Thanks for your number and I can understand how busy people are especially during the warmer months when the yard beckons for daily work. How much time do we have before you move? If we can't meet for lunch we can at least meet and talk about family history.
I do have a Lura A. Procunier who is the daughter of Peter & Elizabeth (Baumwart) Procunier, Lura being born in 1850 in Ontario, Canada. (also Lura has a younger sister Laura born in 1875) Peter is the son & the first child of Henry Procunier SR 1792-1842. This information came from the very large Mabie Family Research on page 129. But the only information I have for either Lura or Laura is their parent's names and her birth date! As I said before, in time this piece of the family puzzle will fit in where it is supposed to go!
More research will have to turn up the key to Jessie Winifed Procunier's connection!
July 5, 2001
Back in February I sent away for the Civil War Records of Frederick McKinsey Procunier son of Isaac & Amy (Annie) McCleish Procunier (Isaac was the son of Peter Procunier JR). I finally received a Xerox copy of Frederick's Military Service Records from the National Archives Trust Fund, Washington, DC 20408 on July 2, 2001. I sent for these war records after receiving email from Elaine Allen in February 2001 saying that Carolyn Shimek sent her email saying she saw Frederick's name mentioned in the URL for Illinois CIVIL WAR VETERANS. The website says that Frederick served between the years 1861-1864. Carolyn said that the spelling of Fredericks surname was Prockcunier.
On March 2, 1865 a Captain John Eustace filled out Frederick's Volunteer Enlistment papers and spelling his name as Frederick Brokcunier. However Frederick signed his name frederick m prockcunier (all small letters) about half way down the page. Then someone I presume Capt. Eustace went to the top of the page and crossed out where he had written Brokcunier and wrote in Prockcunier and also put an "M" for Fredericks middle initial. The enlistment form goes on to say that Frederick was twenty six years and three months old, born in Canada now living in Reynolds, Lee county, Illinois. Frederick was listed as having Blue eyes, Brown hair and of Dark complexion, standing five foot eight inches tall and has a tattoo on his right arm. Frederick stated on that same form that his occupation was a mechanic. The form was standardized for an enlistment for three years but this was crossed out and "one year" was written in above the word three years. Frederick was sworn in at Dixon, Illinois into the Army of the United States of America in Company "E" of the 7th Regiment of Illinois Cavalry. It was rather odd that Frederick enlisted for only one year when the normal term was for three years. It is possible that Frederick had already served a three year enlistment in the civil war between 1861-1864 and was now signing up for a second term, but whoever did the research at the National Archives did not find any paperwork for those years even though I asked for information from 1861-1864. (or they just didn't look for those years) In August just five months after Frederick enlisted he found himself in a Post Hospital very sick while his unit was in Huntsville, Alabama. Frederick never recovered from his illness and was discharged (mustered out by Capt. J. F. Huntington) on September 22, 1865 under General Orders #77 G. S. War Department and sent to Springfield, Illinois with $33.03 bounty paid.
My first thought was "what other family members lived in Illinois about the time Frederick enlisted around 1865?" First to come to mind was Daniel Brecunier, (son of Daniel Brockunier who was the son of Peter Brockunier SR) left Maryland and relocated to Franklin Grove Illinois in May of 1840 about a year before Frederick was born in Canada. Daniel died in February of 1863 & is buried in the Emmert Cemetery just outside of Franklin Grove, Lee County, Illinois. Daniel Brecunier and his family were "Dunkers" and did not believe in serving in the military.
June 29, 2001
Jeanette S. Hutson ... a descendent of Thomas David Bragunier .... Jeanette and her Husband Carl have been adding research material to her Bragunier family tree this spring by traveling to Kansas & Colorado. Jeanette made copies of pertinent information (sources that tie her to our Procuniar/ier-Bragunier family tree) and mailed me a Xerox copy of what she found. Click Here to go to Jeanette's lineage.
May 30, 2001
I have added a new web page concerning Charles Wesley Brockunier (photos also) who became known as a great Glass Manufacture and Oil man in Wheeling, W, Virginia in the mid to late 19th century. You can click on the hyperlink above to view this family story about glassware Charles manufactured years ago that is treasured by collectors still today.
May 21, 2001
Sara Lytle of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada sent me email saying she is from the Amanda Jane Procunier's lineage. Amanda's lineage is Jacob Weymer Procunier; Henry Procunier; Peter Procunier JR; Peter Brockunier SR.
If Sara's family history is correct then she and I are 5C-2R ... Fifth cousin, twice removed. I did not have anything in my data for Amanda Jane Procunier except her marriage to Edward Vyse (I had that name spelled Vise) All that is necessary is for Sara to obtain birth/marriage/death certificates that will give source documentation as proof of her lineage to Amanda Jane Procuniar Vyse.
Email 5/14/2001
Dear David,
I am writing to both congratulate you on a fabulous web-site and to provide information on Amanda Jane Procunier in addition to what is on the web-site. I am currently researching my family genealogy and my Great Aunt gave me a legal document she received in the 1950's. It lists many Procuniers and heir nieces and nephews. Through this document and your web-site I was able to trace my Procunier link as follows:
Amanda Jane Procunier (b. 1851) married Edward Vyse (1842-1931). They had the following children: Grace, Fanniw, Ella, Will(1876-1941), Fred and Elgin. Will Vyse married Christina Monkhouse(1883-1967) {Christina later married Will's brother Fred} Will and Christina Vyse had the following children:
Martha Alzina(b.1906), William Herbert (b.1912), and Florence Mae (b.1919). Alzina (as she was called) married Frank Northam, they had the following children: Gilbert (b.1930), Mildred Florence (b. 1932). Mildred Florence is my mother and uses neither name, having legally changed her name to a childhood nickname "Tooke". In any case she married Harold Trotter and had 3 children; Denice Linda (1956) and twins Daniel and Dawna (1958), she divorced and re-married Earl Lytle and had one child (myself) Sara Lytle (b.1970).
All of the information I have regarding Amanda Jane Procunier now comes Ontario. (remainder of email omitted)
Sara Lytle May 14, 2001
March 2001
Email from Elaine Allen ...
Hi, I was just looking thru your Web Site after finding the address to send to another cousin so he could see it and I see that you don't have Frederick McKinsey Procunier listed as a Civil War Vet. Another cousin Carolyn Shimek gets credit for this. She descends from Frederick, Isaac Newton, Goldie Cloe (Procunier) Dewing, Gloria (Dewing) Shimek. 1861-1864---PROCKCUNIER, Fred M. IL, Co. E, 7th Cavalry, residence- Reynolds. (Carolyn Shimek sent me the URL for this) IL CIVIL WAR VETERANS.
Thanks for having all this for us.
Sincerely, Elaine Allen
NOTE: I sent away to the International Archives and Records Administration for the Civil War records for Frederick McKinsey Procunier using the spelling of Prockcunier as sent to me by Elaine. I will make that information available on this site when I receive it.
David Procuniar
Jeanette S. Hutson ... Thomas David Bragunier ....
It seems I have a communication problem trying to find out what Jeanette's maiden name was prior to her marriage. Sorry I will have to get back to everyone interested in that branch at another time.
January 2001
I received email from Jeanette S. Hutson in December, living in Co., saying her mother was Caroline Mary Bragunier, daughter of Thomas David Bragunier. Thomas, the son of William Bragunier, was a business partner with his brothers that became known as the Bragunier Bros' Grocery of Kansas (pages 61 & 62 of the March 1993 Procuniar/ier Chronicle, also in November 1992 Issue 9 page 48 is a Xerox copy of a letter sent to my great grandfather Jacob Procuniar by his cousin Thomas D. Bragunier on the company stationary). The Peabody Gazette often wrote articles about the Bragunier Bros. Grocery. Back in 1998 there was some family concern that this letter was written by Thomas's brother Charles W, but somehow the worst has happened and a family member lost all but page one of that letter. Without the last page and the signature we do not have complete proof if the author was Thomas or Charles. However my great aunt had written in her family history notes that the letter was from Thomas D.
The only information I had on Thomas D. Bragunier was that he married Ann Hazelton Judson in March of 1866. (Source: "Bragunier Family in America including Bragonier, Brockunier and Procunier" page 37) However Thomas and Ann divorced in 1881-1882 without having any children. I did not have any other information for Thomas until Jeanette contacted me telling me that her grandmother Jenetta Strong married Thomas circa 1882 and together had three children, one child being Jeanette's mother Caroline Mary Bragunier on September 19, 1897. Jeanette is new to home computers and new to genealogy but she plans on sending me her family information as soon as she gets it organized. Also Jeanette's research shows a David A. Bragunier (28 years old) in the 1910 Colorado Census, born in Kansas in 1882. The Census shows David was married with four children. David's wife and children were not listed and David was apparently the oldest child of Thomas David Bragunier. Only one missing child of Thomas and Jenetta left to be found?
Thomas' brother Jeremiah Bragunier's grandson Brittian Bragunier Robinson spent 27 years researching the Bragunier family and finally compiled it into a book called "Bragunier Family in America including Bragonier, Brockunier and Procunier" back in 1969 which I have quoted from often on this web site. This book can be found on the Latter Day Saints History library on LDS Batch #8223604 0884872 19.
For more information on Thomas D's father William Bragunier click HERE
William's family had the same confusion as his brothers trying to finalize the spelling of his last name. Depending on who's interpretation of the German Reform Church records you quote from William was born William Bracunier to Daniel & Barbara Bracunier. Later the typed version of the Church records spell his name Bragonier in their marriage records by Rev. Geo W Glessner, Pastor. So William and Caroline started out their marriage spelling their name Bragonier (insisting on putting the "g" back into their name) When they came to Ohio in 1836 they spelled their name Bragunier then in 1838 signed land deed records with the spelling of Procunier. Then in the 1840 Lawrence County Illinois Census they spell their name Bragunier and they and their children kept that spelling.
Jeanette added this email to assist all of us in finding out just what comprised the family of Thomas David Bragunier:
Email ... January 5, 2001
Thank you for your latest e-mail. I do want to be a part of the Bragunier
family tree. There are some things that we need to clarify, In our research
we found in the Colorado census of 1900 that Thomas D. Bragunier was living
in Cripple Creek, Co. His wife's name was Jennie (Jenetta Strong). According to
this census they stated they had been married for 25 years and had 3
children, Only one child was listed who was my mother (born Sept. 19, 1897.
She was christened in the St. Peter Catholic church as Caroline Mary
Bragunier. Thomas D. was listed as a store keeper. Thomas was 59 years old,
Jenetta or Jennie was 39. The 1910 Colorado census shows a David A.
Bragunier(28 yrs.) born in Kansas in 1882. He was married with 4 children.
His wife and children were not listed . David was apparently the oldest child
of Thomas D. and Jennie. There is another sibling that I have not yet found.
There are still many unresolved issues. We have ! ordered Brittain's book from
LDS. This is documented info so far. I will send you more as I find it. I
have lived in Houston, Tx. for 36 years, married 50 years. Jeanette
Jeanette's email is what I love about doing family research. It's like putting a puzzle together although you don't start with all the pieces of the puzzle. Eventually you find that the puzzle gets bigger the more you research:
Sept 2000
I forgot to mention here that the last Chronicle published Volume III Issue VI July 1999 was published using an old template and the page numbering system did not turn out correctly. That issue is numbered from page 174 through 181 and should have been numbered 214 through 221. Sorry. Hopefully I can put something together soon for another Procuniar/ier Chronicle.
July 2000
As usual Joanne Harvey (Peter Procunier JR lineage) from time to time runs across new Procunier history that she forwards to me. Joanne is so busy with her Family History Book business and traveling around giving genealogy seminars. She just finished coming back from the National Genealogy Society conference in the east where she sold many books.
Joanne sent us Xerox copies of REF: The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada/Canada West Volume 4 Part 1 London District 1795-1841 by Dan Walker & Robert W. Calder lists Francis Emeric, of Townsend, to Catherine PROCRINER, of Walsingham on January 8, 1833 by the Rev. Goble and Witnessed by Hugh Steinhoff & Alvira Fero.
The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada/Canada West Volume 4 Part 2 London District 1841-1852 by Dan Walker & Robert W. Calder lists George PROCUNIER, to Elizabeth Gibson, both of Bayham on February 5, 1846 by Rev. Griffin & witnessed by John Wheeler & James Gibson.
The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada/Canada West Volume 1 Talbot District 1837-1857 by Dan Walker & Robert W. Calder, which included the marriages of several of Peter Procunier JR's family. Listed on July 10, 1846 is Michael Trumley to Elizabeth PROCKUNIER, both of Walsingham and witnessed by Anthony PORCKUNIER & Wimer PORCKUNIER. Elizabeth had a brother named Anthony Weymer Procunier so I assume that the witnesses were her brothers.
From that same marriage book March 15, 1854 was Henry PROCKAMOR to Hamich Smith, both of Walsingham Township, Norfolk County, Ontario Canada. It just amazes me the way people botch the spelling of Procunier. Again, Norfolk County Marriage Registers of Ontario Canada 1858-1869 Volume 34 lists Vise Edward 21 of Walsingham, Dorchester, son of William & Eliza Vise, married August 7, 1864 to Mandy J. PROCUNER 19, Walsingham, daughter of J. W. & Emily J. Procuner. My records show Amanda born November 16, 1851 so she was only just three months shy of her 14th birthday when she married Edward and not 19 years old as listed?
While doing more research Joanne came across "The Haggan Papers Genealogies" and found a section on their Procunier Family connection. The papers were produced and distributed by the Elgin County Library Board Elgin Wells. The Procunier section was edited by Karen Bailey. Karen starts out the Procunier saga saying the Procunier family ancestors came from Normandy, France. A frenchman by the name of Procunier married a dutch girl and came to America. They first went to Maryland and later to Pennsylvania. They had four sons: Adam, Henry, Antoine & David. After the American Revolution the four brothers came in a small boat across Lake Erie and landed at Port Rowan. The rest of the Procunier history that Karen wrote pertains to one of the brothers Adam who married Desire Neal. Desire is the daughter of Major Neil, an officer in the British Army who later became the first Methodist preacher in Upper Canada.
At the end of the Procunier papers Joanne sent us it states that Mrs. James Dunning (Victoria Adelaide Procunier) widow of the late James Dunning died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Edward MeKinney of Aylmer. Born October 14, 1860 in Bayhem Township but for 42 years had been a resident of Aylmer. Two daughters and two sons survive; Mrs. Edward McKinney, Aylmer; Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman, Toronto; George N. Dunning of Galt and William F. Dunning of London. One sister and two brothers, Mrs. Burdick of Michigan, James Procunier of Straffordville and Charles Procunier of Skenny River, British Columbia.
While going through those seven pages of history I was able to update a lot of my data and add a few more Procunier names that I didn't have. There are so many Procuniers in Canada that came from Peter Procunier JR's lineage that I don't think I will ever find them all?
Back in October 1999 William Fineout sent me his family tree from Peter SR down to him and his children. I did not have any information on William's family. William found my web site while doing a search of the Internet!
Gordon Procunier of Toronto helped me so much with Peter JR's lineage and I was heart broken when I received an email from Victoria Procunier last November saying that Gordon had passed away.
Back In November of 1999 Joanne came across some records that were located in a book called "Early Ontario Settlers, A Source Book" by Norman K. Crowder. Listed were the following:
Settlers at Township No. 2 below Cataraqui (Cornwall), 1785 Muster Roll No. 5 page 99
Index D593 Peter Pruner
Vituling List for Township No. 2 August 25th and ending the 31st August of 1786 page 150
Index H085 154 Peter Pruner w/one man, one woman, one boy & one girl w/four rations per day and w/28 rations per week.
"Ontario People 1796 - 1803" Transcribed by E. Keith Fitzgerald and indexed by Norman K. Crowder
File 1 page 32 Number 976 & 977 Peter Prunner Sen & Peter Prunner Jun
File 3 page 27 Number 2428 & 2429 979 980 Peter Prunner Sen & Peter Prunner Jun Matilda twp.
Joanne points out that these records just might suggest that the Procunier's arrived in Canada much earlier then the 1803 date of Peter Procunier Junior, if one is to believe that Prunner may be one of the variants of the Procunier spelling.
January 2000 ...
Over the past nine years of my research I have not been able to contact anyone who were descendents of Michael Boward who's parents were Margaretha Prakunier & Michael Boward around 1776. Margaretha was the daughter of Peter Brockunier Sr. Then out of the blue in November 1999 I was contacted by Sid & Bonnie Shafer via email saying ... We have a connection to John Nicholas Procunier ca 1704 born in Germany. His descendents have spelled there name as Peconier, Bragunier, Bragonier etc. Our connection is John Nichols gggranddaughter Margaretha Procunier b- 1759 in what is now Hagerstown Md. Bonnie ... In a second email on January 16, 2000 Bonnie sent us a short descendent chart from Margaretha down through her husband Sidney Shafer and their two children. Bonnie says that they have not been at their family genealogy for very long and will get me all of Margaretha's family history details down through her children as soon as she her information is computerized.
Also ... I received email from Robert & Catherine Murray form Idaho in July of 1999 as follows ... Found your site while searching for Trissel's. I have an Elsia Trissel, d/o John F. Trissel and Betty Wright. You report an Elvia Trissel married to Thomas Corwin Procuniar. I found an Elsia appearing in the SSDI under Procuniar, but the death year is quite different. You have her dying in 1951, while the SSDI reports 1971. What documentation do you have that supports her death in 1951 or are these individuals different? Would appreciate any other data regarding her and her family. If you are interested in what I have regarding Elsia (Elvia) in relation to the Trissel's I would be happy to share. .... Caldwell, IDAHO ...I explained to Robert that the SSDI records he found were of my grandmother Elsia King Procuniar and not the records of Elvia Trissel Procuniar, Thomas C. Procuniar's first wife. From what records I have found there were no children from the marriage of Thomas C. & Elvia Trissel Procuniar. Richard E. Winters and Robert are working on a book for the Trissel, Trissell, Trissal surnames with a Reunion in Dayton Ohio this coming June. The Procuniar clan is not related to the Trissel family, only the short two year marriage of Thomas C. Procuniar to Elvia Trissel.
A short BIO of Thomas C. Procuniar. Born 25 April 1880 to the parents of Jacob & Mary Catharine McMaster Procuniar while living in Dayton, Ohio. Thomas grew up in the farming community of Mad River Township and attended local schools there. As Thomas grew older he became a laborer, boiler maker, foreman, and driver from 1898 through 1910 according to the Dayton Directory. He married Elvia Trissel on 30 October 1909, chosing to resid at the home of Thomas's parents after the wedding. After marriage Thomas went to work as a car finisher for the Barney Car Company in Dayton. By 1912 Thomas and Elvia had separated and Elvia moved to 31 N. Brenner Ave. in Dayton while Thomas continued to live with his father Jacob on Valley Pike. Thomas later married Emma Viola Minnich on 19 April 1920. After marriage they both lived at 1455 Valley Pike with Thomas's parents Jacob & Mary Catharine Procuniar. Emma had been married once before (divorced) she married Thomas and had two children from that first marriage. On June 07 1915 Thomas went to work for Dayton Power & Light Company as an electrician and joined his two brothers John & Charles who were also working for DP&L. Thomas's father Jacob died suddenly on 11 August 1915 of Septicemia. He also suffered from Prostate problems. After his father's death Thomas and Emma continued to live on Valley Pike in Dayton with his widowed mother. Their only child, Mary Elizabeth, was born 27 October 1920 in his mothers house at 1455 Valley Pike. Fourteen months later Tom's mother Mary Catharine McMaster Procuniar died on the 16 of December 1921 just when the family was setting up the house for the Christmas holidays. By 1923 Tom and Emma had moved to West Milton, Ohio on a small 7 acre farm after his mother's probated estate in Dayton was finalized, to live near Thomas's younger brother John Henry Procuniar (my grandfather). They moved into the house at the corner of Emerick Pike and David Road in West Milton, Ohio. The home was a well preserved log cabin with a modern addition. Thomas built a barn and some out buildings on his seven (7) acres. As per his daughter Mary Elizabeth Procuniar Curl, Thomas became a Junior Engineer at DP&L and worked there for just over 30 years. He retired from DP&L in the late 1940's and later died of prostate cancer on 4 January of 1958. Emma died seven years later on 3 October 1965. Tom & Emma are buried in the Riverside Cemetery.
November 3, 1999
*** For the clan who spell their name with the "B" ***
October 1999 Roger Barganier sent us email as follows: ... My name is Roger Barganier. I'm intrigued by your website. Do you have any information on this spelling of the Family name. I have always heard that Barganiers are of French origins and settled originally in Virginia. My earliest known ancestor was John Barginear who was living in Fayetteville, N.C. in 1765. He served in the 2nd N.C. Reg. in the Revolutionary War. The family moved to Georgia after the War and later my ancestors settled in the Montgomery AL area in 1819. I have heard some of my relatives say they have seen our name spelled Braganier and Brarganier in old family Bibles and after seeing your site, I believe our families may be related. Please let me know if you can make any connections between our two groups.
Roger email =
I have not been able to connect Roger's family to our clan using the Barganier spelling, but I am working on it. However there are "four (4)" Jacob's in our clan, with different spellings, Jacob Braconnier 1694-; Jacob Bragonier 1755-1821; Jacob Brogunier 1772-1842; Jacob Burgoon 1710/20- & Jacob Burgarnor (son Jacob Burgarnor 1747-1838). You can read more about Roger by clicking HERE ..!
Photo of Roger ... Roger is a very good artist!
*October, 1999
I received a nice manila envelope from Carolyn Shimek recently who lives in Wyoming ... (you can see other email from Carolyn on this page for May 1999) Carolyn sent me Xerox copies of Frederick McKinsey Procunier's 1845 ledger (Journal). Throughout the ledger are surnames that this genealogist has already placed in our clan tree. I tried to scan the ledger to put it on this web site but my scanner could not make the scan. dcp
You can email Carolyn by clicking HERE
August 1999 Buck Bragunier sent us email as follows:
Jacob Spielman Bragunier married Hilma Ingeberg Hanson and had one son, Carl Edwin Bragunier, who married Margaret Hughes Vaughn, who had three children. (1) William Edwin "Buck" Bragunier married (and divorced) Nancy Elizabeth Lipscomb and had two sons, Charles Edwin Bragunier and Steven Thomas Bragunier (both unmarried). (2) Nancy Lynn Bragunier married John Irvin and had no children. (3) Carol Elizabeth Bragunier married Edwin Gary Ball and had Thomas Ball and Melissa Ball ... and that's about the extent of my knowledge. I'm sure someone else in the tree will correct any errors I've made, including spelling of names. Daniel Bragonier 1797-1858; Upton Hower Bragonier 1822-1879; Joseph Martin Bragunier 1847-1912; Jacob Spielman Bragunier 1879-; Carl Edwin 1914 - 1991; William (Buck) 1942 -; Nancy Lynn (Bragunier) Irvin 1946 - & Carol Elizabeth (Bragunier) Ball 1948 -
Buck Bragunier email =
I placed Buck in our family tree just after he sent me this email.
In May 1999 Kara Rockewll sent us email as follows:
I just found your web page. I have just started to research my family tree, and believe that I have a connection, although I still need to verify it. My great-great-great grandmother was named Sarah Lloyd (maiden name Fox) and was from the Washington Co. Maryland area. According to her obituary (ca. 1940), she was the daughter of Harry and Catherine (Bragonier) Fox. I noticed on the family lineage, that a Catherine Bragunier, born in 1814 and the daughter of David Bragunier, married a Henry Fox. Since it is from the same area that my family is from, and the dates seem correct, I am pretty sure that Catherine Bragunier is the mother of my great-great-great grandmother Sarah Fox Lloyd. However, I still must verify the information. One question that I have relates to Peter Brockunier, Sr. According to your web page, he was born in Germany. However, according to the pedigree submitted to the LDS, searched through Family-Search on the web, he is listed as being born in France. Do you have any more information on that.
I have just started my research and still have a way to go. However, after I have verified the information, if there is a connection, I would be happy to send it to you. I also wanted to complement you on the web page. If there is indeed the connection to my branch of the family, then you have saved me a great deal of time since I will know which sources to check.
Kara Rockwell
Stafford, Va. email =
Peter SR's place of birth is often written that he was born in Germany and other times France. Peter was born near the Rhine river and Germany and France both claimed that same area during their wars. To help explain more about "Alsace" where Peter SR was born see "The History of Alsace" by clicking HERE.
***For the clan who spell their name with the "P" ...***
October 1999
William Fineout sent us email as follows: ...
I was given your web page url and shown your last "Chronicle", July 1999, by Joanne Harvey who was teaching a class on genealogy at Michigan State University. Was I surprised to find that she was a Procunier. My link to Procuniers (spelling passed on by my grandmother) is through my mother's family and is a line about which we knew very little. Your web page was very informative. We knew that there were two Peters before Adam, but that was about it.
Bill Fineout 1947
Jane Ann High 1922
Floyd Winters High 1882-1945
Emma Elizabeth Doane 1849-1949
Margaret Procunier 1823-1864
Adam Procunier 1798-?
Peter Procunier 1764-1847
Peter Procunier 1727-1804
Congratulations on a superb web page. Hopefully this type of page and more publicity will turn up that missing piece of evidence to find a proven connection beyond Peter Sr. I have only one vivid memory of my great grandmother in her 100th year. But her mother, Margaret Procunier, died when Emma was only in her young teens. Not much was passed on. I have very little information on either Margaret or Adam. Have you made a contact with someone in the Canadian line who might be able to tell me more? Of course, I still have to read all your online newsletters and may find someone there.
To receive copies of your Chronicle, send you a check ($10)? Has there been an established DAR connection to Peter Sr. or any of Peter Jr.'s brothers who remained in Pennsylvania/Maryland? We have one down another line, but I wondered if there isn't another here.
Most sincerely,
Bill William Fineout email =
The surname "Fineout" is new this this genealogist. I was appreciative that Bill got in touch with us and wanted his name and family added to our clan tree. I do not know of any DAR that has the connection to Peter Sr. dcp
June 27, 1999
We have all known that Peter Procunier JR took his family from their home in Pennsylvania about 1802 leaving the comfort of his friends, parents & siblings and trekked up to Canada to settle in the Norfolk County, Ontario area where he could remain loyal to the British and not be subjected to ridicule from any of the Pennsylvania Militia.
My wife Susan and I decided this year to go to Lake Erie again for a week of vacation in June and at the same time drive up through Detroit Michigan, then on through Windsor Canada, then trek the north shores of Lake Erie and end up in Port Rowan and St. Williams where Peter Jr. and his family settled and do some more research. This was our first trip ever to Canada and while we were there we wanted to visit the Johnson Cemetery in St. Williams where Peter Procunier JR and several of his family were buried. We drove on Route #401 out of Windsor east to Route #3, then down through Tillsonburg and finally to Port Rowan. We did some site seeing at first and went to the Long Point Park, then returned to St. Williams and looked for the Johnson Cemetery. The cemetery entrance is hidden from view but a little road sign sticking its head out saying Johnson Cemetery was on a gravel driveway winding first to the left then to the right leading us back to where we found the cemetery after passing by several houses. The cemetery is nice and clean and fenced. The grass is cut and the cemetery stones all seem to be free from vandalism. We found the Procunier cemetery stones on the far left front of the cemetery. All in a group so to speak, with Peter JR's stone in the center of a row and other family members to his left, right, head and toe. Even though the stones appeared to be in good condition, all were very difficult to read due to the crust that forms on cemetery stones over the years. To give you an example here is a picture of Peter Procunier JR and his wife's cemetery stone ....
As you can see it is very hard to read with the black hard crust all over the stone, especially when the stone is laying down and cemented into the ground. The left & right side of the stone reads ....
Peter Procunier Elizabeth
died Wife of
Aug 8, 1847 Peter Procunier
Aged died
82y 8m 21dys Sept 7, 1847
Susan and I took pictures of all the Procunier stones we could find, and then tried to write down all legible inscriptions on all the Procunier stones. There were stones for David Procunier and his wife Sarah Ann, Peter, son of David & Sarah, David Sands, Clinton son of _______ & Emily, another David & wife Katherine Van Wagnoner, Margaret Matilda, Maude, Mary and some stones of family who married into the Procunier clan such as Price, Cope and Mabee.
We then left St. Williams and went to the library in Port Rowan since we were told that that library had information on the Procuniers in their genealogy section. After that we had planned on going to the Eva Brook Donly Museum in Simcoe Ontario because we were told they had many histories of pioneers from that area in their genealogy section and that we might find something new on the Procunier surname. We arrived at the library in Port Rowan about noon on June 15th and I immediately found information there supplied by Robert Mutrie on the Procunier family. Suddenly without warning I experienced severe vertigo and spun to the ground in the library. The hearing in my right ear was gone and the right side of my face became numb. I was rushed to the hospital in Simcoe about 40 miles away. Then Susan had to drive me back to Ohio (7 & one half hours) to the hospital in Dayton. After arriving in Dayton, I was admitted to a hospital and spent the next week in that hospital unable to get up out of bed without experiencing extreme vertigo. It was determined that my right inner ear was attacked by a virus resulting in the loss of my right inner ear which caused severe vertigo and the loss of hearing in my right ear. I am now at home and just spending a few hours on the computer each day and trying to stay straight up in my chair. Hopefully my brain will adjust to the loss of my right inner ear and my balance will come back along with some hearing in my right ear. Time will tell!!
One good thing happened during this medical problem though, when I was rushed to the hospital in Simcoe. While the emergency room was trying to find out if I was having a stroke, my wife was taken to the admitting office to pay for my treatment since Canada does not accept insurance payments from Americans. The woman asked my name, Susan said Procuniar, and the woman behind the desk, Rose Barber, spelled it "Procunier". Susan said no Procuniar! Rose Barber said that her mother's maiden name was Procunier!! Anyway, they exchanged email addresses and Rose Barber and Susan & I have exchanged email and found out that I already had Rose in my family tree on the internet but I did not have her husband and children's names on there yet. Rose is my 5C2R (Fifth cousin twice removed)
Monday while in Canada I looked in the phone book and wrote down four or five Procuniers that I found there and wanted to call them and ask if they wanted to meet a lost cousin, but never got the chance, due to becoming sick and having to go right back to Dayton, Ohio. Rose Barber says that her mother is the family genealogist and has been keeping the family history for her lineage. Rose looked here at my web site and said that I have what her mother has collected and then some, so they can only add their immediate family to the Procunier tree. But that is how research process works, a little bit of information at a time adds up!
I will be adding more to this Procunier Jr. research as soon as I get back on my feet.
David C. Procuniar 6/27/99
May 21, 1999
I received an email from Carolyn Shimek recently who lives in Wyoming.
Here is what Carolyn writes ...
Wow! To great surprise just starting in a new hobby, I went through my girlfriends new website "gennut" and found your e-mail address. My mother is Gloria Lucille Dewing, daughter of Goldie Cloe (Procunier),who was the daughter of Isaac Newton Procunier who was the son of Frederick McKinsey Procunier, who was the son of Isaac Procunier, who was the son of Peter Procunier, Jr., who was the son of Peter Brockunier, Sr., who maybe the son of John Nicholas Peckoner Sr. While going threw pictures, notes, postcards, letters etc. I have discovered a ledger belonging to Frederick McKinsey Procunier which does contain additional family history. Due to just getting started I would like to pass the information on so that others can help verify as it would take me quite a while to do so.
If your interested even though it hasn't been verified I'll be more than happy to e-mail the information on to you if not let me know and I will find someone else to pass it on to.
Carolyn from Riverton, WY
You can email Carolyn by clicking HERE Carolyn is new to the genealogy hobby
For those of you who are really into our family history .... Gloria Procunier Dewing's family was also researched several years ago by Elaine Allen Allen. You can email Elaine by clicking HERE
March 17, 1999
For the time being all research that I have collected or compiled on the Burgoon surname will be removed from this web site. The Burgoon surname was given exposure on this web site to generate interest pro or con as to whether the Burgoon's were related to this family. Some of the contacts from the Burgoon camp were more negative then I expected. They protested any suggested hint of a link of the Burgoon Surname to the Bragoniers-Braguniers-Brockuniers or the Procuniers. The Burgoon contact's did not offer any positive proof that the Burgoons were NOT related but we have nothing in concrete to suggest that the Burgoons are related to us. So to avoid any conflict we will wait for some supported proof of any Burgoon connection. dcp
February 6, 1999
I received another surprise email out of the blue on the 2/4/99 from Victoria Procunier of Toronto, Canada .....
My name is Victoria Procunier. I happened to do a search on what I might find out on my family name and I came upon your site... It is very wonderful and I am quite intrigued. I especially was when I saw that a relative of mine, Gordon Procunier, had an article submitted to the site. I had heard of how he had traced back our lineage but I never thought that it was published on the net. I'm not sure if I could be of any help as I am of the younger generation of the Procuniers but through your research and that of others I a bit of the void on where my ancestors came from has been filled. Thank you.
- Victoria Procunier
During my family research I have not been able to find very many cousins from the Peter Procunier Jr. lineage that are current in their family research who live in Canada. Victoria was a welcomed contact and hopefully through her and here family we can add several cousins to our family tree. Victoria (1981) has four siblings, Gregory Wilfred Ignatius Procunier (1979); Michael Peter Allan Procunier (1986) ; Phillip Robert Orphino Procunier (1987). Victoria has a half brother from her father's first wife Lena Jakisewitz, Frederick Procunier (1970).
Victoria's lineage ....
Victoria (1981)
George Walter Procunier (1943-1996)
Fred Allan Procunier (1912-1977)
George Arnold Procunier (1884-1963)
Robert Henry Procunier (1850-1923)
George Neil Procunier (1818-1886) (born Pa., Died Norfolk Co, Walsingham, Ontario Canada)
Adam Procunier (1798-1840) (born Huntingdon Co., Pa., died Ontario, Canada)
Peter Procunier Jr. (1764-1847) (born Washington Co., Md, died Norfolk Co, Walsingham, Ontario)
Peter Brockunier Sr. (1727-1804) (born Alase France died Frederick Co., Maryland)
"Possibly "John Nicholas Peckoner Sr (Arrived on the ship Lydia Sept 27, 1740)
Hopefully Victoria can fill us in on her uncles and aunt as I have nothing in my database on them?
January 1999
Procunier Color Coat of Arms:
The Coat of Arms research is still an on going saga. I recently contacted Betty Procuniar West (Huber Heights, Ohio) who said she thought her aunt Irene Miller Procuniar sent her a copy of the Procunier Coat of Arms years ago and thought it was in color. However Betty's house caught on fire January 1st 1996 and much of her personal belongings perished in the fire. Betty will get back with us at a later date!
Richard Procunier's co worker Jane O'Connell (California) is still hot on the trail of finding us a color Procunier Coat of Arms. Jane is also helping Richard research his lineage. Richards family research only goes back to his great grandfather Isar Procunier born in 1853 in Canada.
My last trip to the Latter-Day Saints Family History Center was in November of 1994 so I need to get back there myself and look up the Procunier surname to look for Isar Procunier's lineage.
Here are some of the surname spellings I have found in the phone books or using the search engines on the Internet that I am still working on:
Braconie, Brickner, Brockner, Bruckner, Burgoyne, Burgoon
Pecuner, Pecunia, Procuner-Procunior Norfolk Ontario, Canada, Procureur Saint-Nicolas-De-Port, Meurthe-Et-Moselle, France, Prunier,
Some quotes are excerpts from "Bragonier Family in America also Bragonier-Brockunier-Procunier" by Brittain Bragunier Robinson in 1969.
© Copyright 2001
I will be adding much more to this page whenever new information comes our way ...