Susanna Bragunier circa 1814
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Susanna Bragunier; daughter of Jacob Bragonier, Sr (circa 1770-1821) & Elizabeth Palmer (1775-1859); Susanna was born in 1817; died in 1908; married Emanuel Tice on 13 Feb 1840 in Washington, County, Maryland. Emanuel Tice was born in 1800, died in 1866 per Joan Pernoud.
Children: 1
Samuel Dallas Tice (per Joan Pernoud St. Louis)
Children: 4

Mary Dallas Tice Haley

Susan Marie Tice (per Ruth Anne Schultz Helmich)
Children: 1
Martin William Schultz, Jr.
Children: 4
Maryellen Elizabeth Schultz
Ruth Anne Schultz
Martin William Schultz, Jr.
Edward Berry Schultz
Robert Emmet Tice
Wade Hampton Tice
Reference: Georgiana Randall The Bragonier Family pages 82;
The Bragunier family in America (also Bragonier-Brockunier-Procunier) by Brittain Bragunier Robinson 1969 on page 51
Second Reference: The Little Cove Church in Pennsylvania records shows that siblings Susan, Leah & Jacob were under age when their father died in 1821 and John Divilbiss was appointed their guardian.
Other Sources:
David C Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittain Bragunier Robinson 1969.
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film.
Email 9/1/2006
Dear David,
Got a new spelling for you. My father, Dr. Fred Shank Palmer, edited the Civil War Diary, 1861-1868, of John Koogle. It is listed as "John Koogle's Dairy" at the Frederick County [MD] Public Library [Maryland Room]. He mentions taking his brother Jacob to enlist in Middletown and Frederick [for shipment to Baltimore]. He said Capt. "Magoiny" was the captain from Middletown. In fact it was Alfred Bragonier. Jacob Koogle enlisted along with the others in the company in about March 1862, possibly as Lt. but was known as Capt. after war. He fought in 29 battles; was never wounded; and received the Medal of Honor in 1865 at Five Forks. Bragonier mystified me because we had no others around here. Why was he selected Captain? He did come back to Middletown; had about 10 ch; was listed as some kind of shoemaker; then went to Baltimore before 1900. But it was a challenge to figure out that "Magoiny" was "Bragonier" or "Procuniar" . The author taught school and no other word was misspelled.
I am also interested in Elizabeth Palmer marrying Jacob Bragonier. "Palmer" was originally "Balmer" from Germany and Switzerland. Do you have any other data on Elizabeth Palmer? I will check our local records on more data on Alfred. Middletown Valley Register, Frederick News-Post, and Waynesboro, Pa. have newspapers from before the Civil War.
Ben Palmer <>
Middletown, Md.
From: Joan Pernoud []
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 7:08 PM
To: David Procuniar
Subject: RE: Procuniar/ier Bragunier Website
Dear David,
Thanks for your effort on behalf of our lineages.
I just sent in my DAR application for another side of the family but would love to establish a DAR line for my mother who is 83 and a true patriot.
She was contacted by a Francis Wilson who was, I believe, editor for his town newspaper in Ellsworth, Kansas in about 1974.
He traveled the country after retirement and had some opportunity to develop good resources. The Bragunier family is part of his little book which also emphasizes Tice and Lesher. He has since passed away and I have recently developed the genealogy bug. Francis said we could establish a DAR line and Huguenot Society through "Jacob Burgooner". I would be happy to send copies of his book and letters to my Mom from Francis to you if you like. It would be interesting to know your thoughts.
My Ggrandfather is Samuel Dallas Tice, son of Emanuel Tice (1800-1866) and Susan E. Bragunier (1817-1908). I thought she was daughter of Jacob Bragunier (1770-1821) and Elizabeth Palmer (Balmer) (1775-1859). Francis Wilson was pretty insistent that my Susan Bragunier was granddaughter of George Bragunier whose wife was "Anna Eve". I am curious about the claims
of Jacob working the ferry for George Washington's crossing the Delaware AND his being at the Cornwallis surrender with his being born in 1770. This info was said to be at Scott Co. IA.
Do you know if Mrs. Randall is still alive or how I could get or even copy her book? Francis said our "first ancestor" was probably Pierre Bragunier of Montauban, France who went to Germany in 1685. without seeing the "whole picture" I am not too confident about the earlier conclusions with so many similar names and the multi-spelling of the last.
I appreciate any insights and again would be happy to send my information.
Thanks again.
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