The Samuel Procuniar Family Story
Biography of the Samuel Procuniar Family 1801-1903
by David C. Procuniar
Samuel’s lineage is ....... Samuel; Daniel Brockunier; Peter Brockunier Sr.; John Nicholas Pecunier Sr.
Samuel was born Samuel Bracunier on April 5, 1801, in Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland, to Daniel and Barbara (Rohrer) Brockunier and attended the First Reformed Church in Hagerstown. Samuel was the first born of seven children. (Samuel 1801, Susanna 1802, Daniel 1804, David 1807, Salome 1809, twins William & probably another Boy 1812) Samuel grew up on his parents farm in Washington County, Maryland and helped farm the family estate with his father and younger brothers. When Samuel was only three years and seven months old he attended one of many family funerals, this one was of his grandfather Peter Brockunier Sr. in 1804. Samuel visited the Zion Reformed Church cemetery in Hagerstown, Maryland often where his grandfather was put to rest. Samuel’s grandfather left the family estate "Hagers Long Hickory" to his father and two uncles. In 1811, Samuel's niece died and Samuel again attended the funeral of a young family member (this time it was his first cousin Barbara Rohrer Bragonier, aged 17 years, 3 months). (Barbara is Samuel’s uncle David’s daughter) Barbara is buried near her grandfather Peter Brockunier Sr. in the Zion German Reformed Church cemetery. Samuel attended the local school in Hagerstown long enough to learn how to read and write. At the age of 26, Samuel married Catharine Miller on May 31, 1827 in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania where they began their new life together. Catharine was born and raised near Huntingdon County. While living in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania from 1827 through early 1833 they had three children (Isaac 1828, John 1830 & Emaline 1833).
Samuel came to Montgomery County, Ohio along with his younger brother David in the spring of 1833 from Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, (most probably in wagons and used the National Road [State Route 40] which came through Columbus, Ohio by 1833. From Columbus they traveled along old Indian trails to Montgomery County, Ohio), with his wife Catharine (Miller) and their three young children, Isaac 5, John who was almost 3, & Emaline who was just three months old.
There was a large movement of German immigrants in the 1830s from Pennsylvania to Ohio. Samuel’s uncle, Samuel Rohrer married Elizabeth Shultz on March 30, 1826. The newlyweds were both from Maryland and after their marriage relocated to Germantown, Ohio in the summer of 1826. Samuel’s 3rd cousin Christian Rohrer who married Margaret Emerick on November 29, 1832, also came to Ohio after their marriage and located in Montgomery County. Christian Rohrer’s three younger brothers, (all third cousins of Samuel Procuniar & all from Lancaster County Pennsylvania), Samuel, Jacob and Martin came to Ohio with their families in the early 1830s. Samuel Rohrer married Rebecca Wise on December 25, 1832 (Rebecca’s sister Catherine, married Brice Dille who ran a Livery Stable in Dayton, Ohio. Brice Dille is the grandfather of Dr. Charles Anderson Dille II) and came to Ohio the same time as Christian Rohrer. Samuel Rohrer’s son Christian F. Rohrer was the father-in-law of Nettie Belle Procuniar (Samuel Procuniar’s granddaughter, & daughter of Jacob Procuniar my great grandfather) Christian F. Rohrer is the grandfather of Actor George Peppard.
Samuel’s brother David wasted no time in purchasing land in Montgomery County shortly after their arrival in the summer of 1833. Land records show a David Prockuner purchasing Lot 59 on the plat of the subdivision into building lots of outlot 3 east on the Plat of the outlot South of Dayton in Montgomery County, on September 20, 1833 from Thomas & Sarah Brown for $65.00. The land David purchased was on Brown Street. (Ref. Deed book Montgomery County Ohio 1805-1838 Vol. R page 191-192)
Samuel purchased two lots of outlot 48 on Brown Street south of the town of Dayton, Ohio where he worked with brother David and other farmers to make his living. Land records (Ref.: Deed Book R 448, Montgomery County building, 5th floor Micro Film) show that Samuel & Catharine Prockuner bought land from Joseph B. Jones for $500.00 on November 13, 1833. Land description: Outlot 48 beginning on Main Street at its northwest corner running eastward with northern boundary 200 ft. at right angles southward 60 ft. thence at right angles westward 200 ft. to Brown Street thence northward 60 ft. with Brown Street to the place of beginning.
Another land record (Deed Book T-12, Montgomery County building 5th floor Micro Film) shows Samuel Prockuner sold land to Joseph B. Jones on November 13, 1833 for $700.00. Land description: Outlet 48 east, south of and adjoining the beginning on Brown Street at the northwest corner and running from thence eastward with its northern boundary 200 feet thence at right angles southward 60 feet thence at right angles westward 200 feet to Brown Street thence northward 60 feet with Brown Street to the place of beginning, situate lying and being in the county of Montgomery per agreement of four notes of hand upon the condition that the said Samuel Prockuner shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Joseph B. Jones, due as follows, one note for fifty dollars payable on the first day of April next, one note for ninety one dollars and sixty six cents in one year from the first day of April next, one note for ninety one dollars and sixty six cents in two years from the first day of April next, and one note for ninety one dollars and sixty six cents in three years from the first day of April next with lawful interest.
Also written on this land record: Received of Samuel Procunier December 6, 1836 one hundred and thirty three dollars and twenty four cents the balance due on the two last notes described within and is the balance of money received by this mortgage and the mortgage is therefore released to said Procunier, Dayton, Ohio December 6, 1836 by Samuel King sole acting Executor of OB ------ deceased, Res. H. ----; JW. Griswald recorder. (A confusing deed, with Samuel selling the lot to J.B. Jones for $700.00 then Samuel signing a mortgage to be paid to Jones for $300.00 plus interest over a three year period).
Samuel’s youngest brother William Procunier (who later spelled his last name Bragunier) married Caroline Grumbine on October 30, 1834 in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania and shortly thereafter moved to Dayton, Ohio and joined his two brothers. The newlyweds moved to and lived with William’s brother David (who was still unmarried) in the spring of 1835. William, a carpenter, helped David finish his new home. Just a few months later, Caroline gave birth to her first child on August 13, 1835 whom they named Daniel J. after William’s father Daniel. Daniel J. was the first Procuniar born in Ohio. All three brothers and families attended church at the German Reformed Church on Fifth Street in Dayton, Ohio.
On a cold winter day in January of 1836, just two and one half years after up-rooting his family from Pennsylvania to Ohio, Samuel’s wife Catharine gave birth to their second daughter and fourth child Eliza, (their first child born in Ohio).
William and Caroline wanted to get a home of their own, so they purchased lot 10 in the subdivision of outlot 44 in the town of Dayton, Montgomery County (a subdivision which was made in June 1829 by Brainard Smith), from David L. & Matilda Raymond, (who were living in Hamilton County at the time) on October 11, 1836 for $150.00. (Ref. Land records, Montgomery County Ohio 1805-1838 Deed Book Index Vol. E-2 page 423) The land was deeded to William and Caroline Procunier William, Caroline and their son Daniel moved into the home that was already built on this lot by the previous owners. William could not read or write and signed the land deed with an "X". His wife Caroline signed her name Caroline Procunier. (On December 15, 1836 Caroline signed her name "Caroline Bragunier" as a witness on Samuel’s land deed ... see next paragraph)
Samuel wanted to enlarge his land holdings, and purchased more land one month later on November 30, 1836. Lot 48 on Brown Street from James Ogan for four hundred dollars, payable in two notes of two hundred dollars each with interest. The first note due one year from November and the second due in two years from November of 1836. Samuel must have gotten an extension on his payments, because the deed has a notation stating Samuel finally paid off the notes on December 19, 1840.
The following year Caroline (William’s wife) gave birth to their second child whom they named William H., born on June 18, 1837. (William H. Procunier-Bragunier was killed in action during the Civil War in 1864)
By the summer of 1837 all three brothers, Samuel, David and William owned land in Dayton, Ohio. Samuel had four children, William had two sons & David was still unmarried. Samuel’s father Daniel was still living in Washington County, Hagerstown, Maryland. Samuel’s yougner brother Daniel (Brecunier) married Christina King in 1825 & were living in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Daniel and Christina then moved to Bedford County, Pennsylvania & lived there for nine years. Samuel’s sister Salome (Brockunier) was born in 1809. Where Salome was living in 1837 is not known.
However for some reason William and Caroline became restless and sold their home in Dayton on November 27, 1837 to Henry Slaght for two hundred fifty dollars. William and Caroline moved to Lawrence County, Illinois where William’s wife Caroline gave birth to her third child Thomas D. sometime in 1839. About that time William’s older brother Daniel Brecunier moved from Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania to Illinois.
On September 14, 1838 Samuel’s brother David became restless also & sold his home to Elizabeth Tate, Matilda Tate and Hannah Cynch. (Ref. Land record’s, Montgomery County Ohio 1838-1856 Deed Book Index No. 2, Vol. B-2 page 169) Where David went after that is unknown. It’s possible David went to Illinois with William, but there is no trace of David anywhere in Dayton, Ohio after September of 1838. Samuel & his family were the only members of the Procuniar clan who remained in Dayton, Ohio.
Samuel’s next child was born on December 27, 1839 whom they named David Procuniar (named after his uncle).
Samuel’s father Daniel died in 1840 & Samuel took a trip back to where he was born, in Washington County, Hagerstown, Maryland to attend the funeral of his father Daniel Brockunier. Being the oldest child Samuel went to help settle Daniel’s estate. Daniel was buried in the Zion Reformed Church cemetery in Hagerstown where Daniel and his family attended church.
After the funeral Samuel’s brother Daniel Brecunier & his family relocated to Franklin Grove, Illinois in May of 1849. Daniel Brecunier was a Dunkard (Tunker) or "Old German Baptist Brethren". Daniel and Christina went on to have ten children. [In the spring of 1849 they moved to Lee County, Illinois. They lived there until they both passed away. They are buried along with their son Peter at the Emmert Cemetery outside of Franklin Grove, Lee County, Illinois.
Sixteen months after David’s birth, Samuel and Catharine’s fourth son and sixth child Samuel Jr. was born in April of 1841. Things were going quite well for the Samuel Procuniar family after Samuel Jr’s birth, but as happened too often in the mid 1800’s, their baby boy. died November 12, 1843 from consumption. Samuel Jr. was buried in the Dille Cemetery just a few miles East from the Procuniar home on Springfield Pike in Mad River Township, Montgomery County, Ohio. I can just visualize Samuel, Catharine and their five children along with their cousins the Rohrers & neighbors the Dilles, all gathered at the Dille cemetery holding hands and saying a prayer over the freshly dug grave of their youngest child Samuel Jr. A small gravestone was placed at Samuel Jr.’s grave with a carving of a baby lamb at the top of the stone. Below the lamb read, Samuel s/o S & C PROCUNIAR, aged 2yrs 7mo and 5dys. The Dille Cemetery was on a hill, located on Springfield Pike (now Valley Pike) on land owned by Samuel Dille who bought 240 acres of land on May 20, 1817 from John Cleves Short for $1200.50 (Deed Book F, page 172). Samuel Dille died August 27, 1829 and was the third person buried in the Dille Family Cemetery. Little Samuel Procuniar Jr. was the seventh person buried there. The cemetery overlooks the valley where Wright Patterson is now located.
The following year on December 17, 1844 Catharine gave birth to their third daughter and seventh child whom they named Mary. Three years later on August 1, 1847 Catharine gave birth to her fifth son, and eighth child, Jacob, (who was my great grandfather).
By the year 1850 five children (two boys and three girls) were living at the Procuniar homestead. (I have a picture of the Procuniar homestead that was later torn down to make way for highway 4 and 69) In 1850 Isaac would turn 22 years old, John 20, Emaline 17, Eliza 14, David 11, Mary 6, and Jacob 3. The 1850 Census of Montgomery County Ohio indicates that Samuel was living on his farm in Mad River Township valued at $5400.00.
Samuel’s oldest son Isaac was married on February 3, 1850, to Elizabeth Jane Williams who was born in Montgomery County, Ohio. [Ref. Montgomery County Ohio Marriage records 1803-1851 Vol. III M-Z, page 59] Can you imagine the excitement, this was the first wedding of one of Samuel & Catharine’s children. There is no record of Isaac purchasing land anywhere in Dayton, Ohio so the newlyweds must have lived with relatives or rented.
Late in 1850 Samuel’s second oldest son John married sixteen year old Sarah Elizabeth Wike who was born in Pennsylvania. John and Sarah had purchased land on February 19, 1851 from Abiga and Martha Snider, located in Montgomery County & in the town of Texas, Ohio lot 3 of section 35 for $140.00. (Ref. Land records, Montgomery County Ohio 1838-1856 Deed Book Index Vol. 2 page 518-519) The town of Texas, Ohio in 1851 was located just east of where Brandt & Valley Pike meet & was platted by Samuel T. Harker in October of 1841.
Samuel & Catharine’s first grandchild Mary Procuniar was born in early 1851 to Isaac & Jane Procuniar, (their first child) but as luck would have it in those days, Mary died in infancy & was buried alongside her 2 year old uncle Samuel Jr. in the Dille Cemetery. Samuel’s second grandchild Minerva was born in 1852 to John & Sarah Procuniar. Minerva was John & Sarah’s first child.
Not to be outdone by their children, Samuel & Catharine’s sixth son & youngest child George was born on December 6, 1852. George was Samuel & Catharine’s ninth child.
For some reason John & Sarah Procuniar sold their land (lot 3) in Texas, Ohio to John’s mother Catharine Procuniar on November 11, 1852 for $140.00. [Ref. Land records, Montgomery County Ohio Deed Book Index No. 2, 1836-1856 Vol. T-2 page 491-492] But John, Sarah and little Minerva continued to live in the home they sold to John’s mother. John was sick & couldn't work & needed money, so his mother gave him the money using the house as collateral.
A year later Isaac’s wife Jane added to the growing number of Procuniar’s by giving birth to her second child & Samuel’s third grandchild, John Procuniar, in 1853. Life in the Procuniar clan was now bursting with joy & happiness. Samuel’s two oldest children Isaac & John were now married, he had two grandchildren living, (John and Minerva) & six of his own children were still living at home (Emaline, Eliza, David, Mary, Jacob & his new baby boy George).
However tragedy struck the Procuniar family again in 1854 when the angel of death struck down Samuel’s youngest son George who died March 1, 1854 of typhoid fever at the age of 1 year 2 months & 27 days. George was buried next to his brother Samuel Jr., & his niece Mary in the Dille cemetery. Eleven months later Samuel’s fourth grandchild John Franklin Procuniar was born February 18, 1855 to John & Sarah Procuniar which brought new happiness to the Procuniar family.
But death stalked the Procuniar clan again just two years later in 1856 when Samuel & Catharine’s youngest daughter Mary died June 25, 1856 at the age of 11 years, 6 months & 8 days. The family story was that Mary was caught in a cold winter snow storm while walking home from school & almost froze to death, & months later on June 25, 1856 Mary died from complications of that terrible ordeal! (It’s more likely Mary died of consumption, typhoid or diphtheria) As the Procuniar clan once again gathered together at the Dille Cemetery to pay their respects & to bury their little Mary; a stone marker was placed at the head of Mary’s grave. A spring flower was carved into the top of the stone. Below the flower read, MARY daughter of S & C PROCUNIAR died June 25th 1856 aged 11 yrs 6mo & 8dys. There were now four Procuniar family graves in the Dille Cemetery, Samuel Jr., Mary (Isaac’s daughter) George & now Mary.
Shortly after Mary’s death, Samuel’s oldest daughter Emaline (now 23 years old) married George W. North in mid 1856. Emaline’s first child, (Samuel & Catharine’s fifth grandchild), John W. North was born in 1857, followed in 1859 with the birth of Samuel’s sixth grandchild Elizabeth North, (son & daughter of George & Emaline). Samuel now had a son named John & three grandsons named John. As you can see there were a lot of Marys, Johns & Samuels in the Procuniar family!
Samuel & Catharine had lived on or near Brown Street in Dayton, Ohio from the fall of 1833 until January 26, 1860 when they purchased & settled on a small nine & one half acre tract of land in Mad River Township on Springfield Road (Valley Pike) in Dayton, Ohio. They purchased the land for $1,250.00 (Montgomery County, Ohio Deed Book 1856-1866 Vol. H-3 page 429-430). Samuel’s children that were still living at home in January of 1860 was Eliza now 23 years old, David 20 & Jacob 13, while his three older children Isaac, John & Emaline were all living away from the Procuniar homestead. Samuel & Catharine often made visits to the Dille Cemetery & cared for the graves of their three children & granddaughter.
Samuel purchased a 89/100 acre lot from his neighbor James Andrews, [Ref. Land records, 1856-1866 Montgomery County Ohio Deed Book Index No. 3, Vol. H-3 page 547-548] that brought his farm up to a full ten acres. Small for a farm but it was located in town where land was more expensive. Just as Samuel was making those ten acres productive in the spring of 1860, his second daughter Eliza married Jonathan Evans. Most of the Evans family, including Jonathan's parents, brothers & sisters, lived in what is now the Oregon District, on or near Green & Tecumseh Street in Dayton, Ohio. Jonathan's father Rowland D. Evans, was a druggist here in Dayton. In 1911 John & Russell Evans ran the EVANS BROS. GROCERY at 2501 East Fifth Street. Jonathan & Eliza purchased land just south of Springfield Pike & east of Harshmanville, Ohio which (their farm) was later sold to the government to build Patterson Air Field. (Now the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum)
The excitement of a new home & Eliza’s marriage was shattered when Samuel’s third grandson John Procuniar, (son of Isaac & Jane Procuniar) died on October 20, 1860 aged 7 years from diphtheria. John was buried in the Dille cemetery. Both of Isaac and Jane’s only children were now deceased. Isaac and his wife Jane relocated to South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana around 1860.
The birth of Samuel’s seventh grandchild Owen F. Evans (son of Jonathan and Eliza who by then were living in Greene County, Ohio) on July 31, 1861 temporarily over shadowed the sorrow of the recent family deaths.
When Civil War was declared Samuel’s son David enlisted in the Northern Army on March 14, 1862 and went off to fight for the north, leaving only Jacob living at home with Samuel, now 60 and Catharine 54. Samuel and Catharine prayed daily and asked God to protect their son David from any harm while serving in the War. However death came to the Procuniar family anyway. It was not David, but Samuel’s little grandson Owen F. Evans (son of Eliza) that died on March 8, 1863 aged 1 year, 7 months and 9 days from diphtheria and was buried in the Dayton, Ohio Woodland Cemetery off Brown Street near the Evan's family graves.
To add to Samuel and Catharine’s grief of losing another grandchild, was the death of their second oldest son John Procuniar on June 20, 1863, (his death was not war related, but his obituary did not say what John died from) aged 32 years, 11 months and 13 days, leaving John’s wife Sarah aged 26 with two small children, Minerva aged 11 & John Franklin Procuniar aged 7. The Procuniar clan rallied together & everyone pitched in & helped Sarah cope with the death of her husband. Sarah & John had been living in town & Sarah wanted John to be buried near to her home. The Dille Cemetery was clear across town on the east side of Dayton, so Sarah buried John in the Woodland Cemetery near Brown Street just down the hill from his nephew Owen F. Evans grave. No cemetery marker was ever placed on John’s grave. [Sarah was a widow for more than 56 years; listed as a tayloress in the 1880 census of Montgomery Co. Ohio. Her mother Nancy (Hess) Wike was living with Sarah in 1880]
Not long after her brother John’s death, Emaline (Procuniar) North gave birth to Samuel’s eighth grandchild Samuel North (Named after his grandfather) in late summer of 1863. Eliza (Procuniar) Evans gave birth to her second child, (Samuel & Catharine’s ninth grandchild) Florence S. Evans on October 3, 1863 bringing happiness once again to her grieving mother who just lost her only child seven months earlier.
The angel of Death seemed to hang over the Procuniar clan like a dark cloud; in July 1864 Samuel received written notice from the U.S. Army that his son David had died on June 30, 1864 of "dysentery" at Camp Dennison near Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 24 years, 6 months & 3 days. Samuel & his youngest son Jacob together took their wagon & went down to Cincinnati to pick up the body of their beloved David & buried him next to his brothers, sister, nephews & nieces in the Dille cemetery. The Procuniar clan gathered together once again at the Dille cemetery & put David down into his grave. The family placed a stone grave marker at the head of David’s grave. The stone had a carving of the American flag, a rifle with attached saber crossing the American flag, was placed at the top of the stone. Below that was written DAVID Son of Samuel & Catharine PROCUNIAR a member of Co. C 61st Reg. O.V.I. DIED at Camp Dennison June 30, 1863 aged 24 yrs, 6mo, 4dys. At the bottom it read, My dearest friends that dwell above, I now have gone to sea, And all my friends in Christ below, Will soon come after me. David kept a diary during his stint in the Civil War which has been kept in the Procuniar family for more then 140 years.
As life must go on, Samuel & Catharine went on to witness four more grandchildren born, George W. Evans (son of Eliza & Jonathan) in June 1866; Scott North (son of Emaline and George) in 1867; Dora North (daughter of Emaline) in early 1869 and Ida P. Evans, Samuel & Catharine’s thirteenth grandchild (Eliza’s daughter) in September of 1869.
By January of 1871 Samuel was just months away from turning 70 years old, & his wife Catharine was getting ready to celebrate her 63rd birthday in April. Over the past 43 years, they had married started a family, packed up & moved from a secure environment in Pennsylvania, to the newly settled frontier in Ohio, not knowing what the future would bring. They reared nine children, of which only five lived to marry & raise their own families, they were Isaac, John, Emaline, Eliza, & Jacob. Together they watched thirteen grandchildren come into this world. Sadly between 1843 & 1864 they had to bury five of their own children, & three of their grandchildren. They both had a good life together & wonderful memories of their 43 years of marriage, but now they were tired and completely worn out.
A few weeks later on February 13, 1871 Samuel’s dearly beloved wife Catharine died of heart failure and went to be with her Lord. She was buried in the Dille Cemetery, next to her five children, Samuel Jr. 1843, George 1854, Mary 1856, John 1863, David 1864, & two grandchildren Mary Procuniar 1851 & John North 1860. Samuel’s youngest son Jacob was still living at home & could give his father comfort while they both grieved for Catharine. As the family gathered at the Dille cemetery they placed a stone at the head of Catharine’s grave that matched her son David’s stone. The grave marker read, CATHARINE wife of SAMUEL PROCUNIAR, Born in Huntington, Co. Penn March 16 1808, Died Dayton, Ohio Feb 13 1871, Aged 62yrs 9mo 27dys. At the bottom of the stone read, "Oh mother dear a short farewell, That we may meet again above, And love where angels love to dwell, Where trees of life bear fruits of love".
Life continued to go on, Samuel’s fourteenth & fifteenth grandchildren, Charles North & William Lewis Evans were both born in 1873. But death struck the Procuniar family again, Samuel’s oldest grandson John W. North died from diphtheriaFebruary 9, 1873 aged 16 years, 4 months and 4 days. John was the oldest son of five children of George W. & Emaline (Procuniar) North. Emaline was pregnant with their last child Charles at the time of John W.s’ death.
In 1874 Samuel’s grandson John Franklin Procuniar at the age of 18 is listed in the Dayton City Directory as a Candy Maker, working for a Confectionery Business & living at Ludlow & Franklin Streets. John Franklin’s mother & sister Minerva were listed as living at Ludlow & Washington Streets.
The family managed to pull themselves together for Samuel’s youngest son Jacob’s wedding, held in Dayton, Ohio on February 18, 1875 to Mary Catharine McMaster [McMaster is my lineage to the Van Cleve family & the Wright Brothers]. Jacob’s niece Minerva A. Procuniar (a hat maker) was Mary Catherine’s brides maid. After his marriage Jacob built a new brick house just east of his father’s farm on Valley Pike. Jacob & Mary Catharine gave birth to their first child (Samuel’s sixteenth grandchild) Samuel Andrew Procuniar on November 20, 1875. (Samuel Andrew Procuniar later became a Dayton Policeman & in the 1990’s his great grandson John Macbeth Paxson played basketball for the Chicago Bulls). Later that same evening on November 20, 1875 Jacob’s niece Minerva, (Daughter of John and Sarah) died of Phthisis after a long hospital stay. Minerva is buried in the Woodland Cemetery next to her father. (No grave marker was placed on Minerva's grave)
Samuel’s grandson John Franklin Procuniar married Agnes Frederika Basore [born in Montgomery County Ohio] in December of 1876. John F. & Agnes’ first child & Samuel’s first great grandchild Gertrude Procuniar was born on October 2, 1877. [Gertrude later married John Taylor McNeill Sr. in January 1896] Two months later Eliza Procuniar Evans last child & Samuel’s seventeenth grandchild Cora M. Evans was born on December 10, 1877. However to the grief of Eliza, Cora died on January 17, 1879 aged 1yr, 1mo, 7dys of diphtheria. The Procuniar clan gathered again at the Woodland Cemetery near Brown Street in Dayton, Ohio to lay little Cora in her final resting place next to her brother Owen F. Evans. Two of Eliza’s six children were now dead. The Procuniar clan’s spirits were uplifted when John Franklin’s wife Agnes Procuniar gave birth to her second child & Samuel’s second great grandchild Harry Procuniar, born on May 13, 1879.
By 1880 Samuel was 79 years old, his body was tired & worn out from the hard work of farming all his life. He had brought his family by covered wagon from Pennsylvania to Ohio. He watched with pride the birth of all nine of his children, sixteen grandchildren & two great grandchildren. His heart ached with grief as he & the Procuniar clan buried five of his nine children & four of his grandchildren (Mary 1851 & John 1860 Procuniar; Owen 1863 and Cora 1877 Evans) His heart broke when his dear wife & friend of 43 years died nine years earlier. He felt so alone & missed Catharine so much, but yet he was showered with love from his surviving children, grandchildren & great grandchildren.
Samuel became very ill in February of 1880 & moved into his son Jacob’s house just down the road from Samuel’s farm, so his son & daughter-in-law Mary Catherine (McMaster) could care for him. On a cold February afternoon Jacob Procuniar took his weak & frail father to the Dille family cemetery so Samuel could place flowers on his wife, children & grandchildren’s graves. Two weeks later Samuel Procuniar died of heart failure on March 7, 1880 just 28 days short of his 80th birthday and just 49 days before the birth, (April 25, 1880), of his eighteenth grandchild, Thomas Corwin Procuniar (Jacob’s son).
Samuel was buried in the Dille Cemetery next to his wife Catharine, five of his children & two grandchildren. Samuel was the last burial in the Dille Cemetery. Samuel’s cemetery stone read, SAMUEL PROCUNIAR Born in Washington Co. MD April 5 1800, Died March 7 1880, Aged 79yrs 11mo 2dys. At the bottom of his stone read, "Our father ever true and dear, We near thy grave to weep, Yet we find consolation here, To know that we again will meet".
In 1833 Samuel brought his family to Ohio, leaving behind the only home he ever knew. He spent the next 47 years carving out his very own family lifestyle in the Ohio Valley & supplied his family with a good home environment. As a farmer he was successful in achieving his goals in life & in the end left his children the family farm on Valley Pike in Dayton, Ohio. At the time of his death only four of Samuel’s nine children were living. Isaac was living in Whitley, Indiana; Emaline North & Jacob were living in Dayton, Ohio; Eliza was living in Greene County, Xenia, Ohio. In the late 1880’s & early 1890’s Emaline & her husband George W. North went north & located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Neither of Samuel’s sons wanted to continue to run the family farm after his death. The farm was sold to John J. Bickmore (a neighbor of Jacob’s) for $3500.00 in May of 1881, with each of Samuel’s children receiving around $700.00 each. Samuel’s grandson John Franklin Procuniar also received $700.00 (his father’s share of the estate). John Franklin used the money from the estate to establish a company called the "Procuniar Wholesale & Retail Confectionery, Ice Cream & Refreshment Rooms". This business went belly up in 1882 & John left for Cincinnati to establish another Confectionery business. His wife Agnes, (their four children Gertrude, Harry, Clarence & Claude), ran a boarding house in Dayton, Ohio at 6th and Canal Streets, while residing at Jefferson Street.
My research as of today shows that Samuel’s son Isaac moved to Whitley County, Whitley, Indiana. I have the original letter dated May 8, 1881 saying Isaac had purchased more land & was speculating that the land’s value would double since the railroad was coming to Whitley County. Isaac & his wife Elizabeth died in April 1904 just four days apart. Samuel’s grandson John Franklin Procuniar & his family left Cincinnati, Ohio & moved somewhere near Cook County, Chicago, Illinois in 1903. A lot of his descendants are still living in & around that area. Samuel’s daughter Emaline & her husband George W. North moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. So far this author has not been able to find anything while searching the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan records. Samuel’s daughter Eliza & her husband Jonathan Evans lived the rest of their lives in & around Xenia, Ohio. Both are buried at Woodland Cemetery with their children. Eliza’s grandson William Samuel Evans was living in Connecticut until his recent death in 2002.
More about Eliza (Procuniar) Evans .........Eliza went to school in Mad River Twp & in circa 1860 married Jonathan Evans who also was from Montgomery County Ohio. Together they had six children, three girls and three boys. Of the six children, Owen F. died at 1 year, 7 months, & 9 days. Cora M. died at 1 year, 1 month & 7 days. Daughter Florance S. married H. L. Snediker, but died at 27 years & 3 months. Son George W. married Kate & died at 43 years & 4 months, (George died from a gun shot to the head in 1909 while hunting). Daughter Ida P. committed suicide by shooting herself in the head, on March 06, 1903, (she was 33 years and 7 months old at the time). She was despondent from having TB. Son William L. married Della F. Ferguson who was born November 30, 1875 in Beaver Creek Township Ohio. She is the daughter of William W. Ferguson & Anna Maria Harshman. The Harshman family played a large part in developing Beavercreek Township in Green County. William Lewis died while living with his son William Samuel Evans, in Darien Connecticut.
Samuel’s youngest son Jacob (my great grandfather) is the only one of Samuel’s children to remain in Dayton, Ohio. One of Jacob’s children was John Henry Procuniar (my grandfather).
Samuel did not go down in history as a famous Pioneer, or Indian fighter, nor was he a War hero, but in my eyes he was still a great man. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather & a true Christian friend to his neighbors. He struggled through life’s UP's and DOWN's & no matter what life dealt him, he was strong enough to go on & push forward, always looking ahead.
His wife Catharine was a strong hearted woman who loved life & lived it to it’s fullest, despite the hardships a women had to endure in the 1800's, instilling in her children & grandchildren high moral values & to teach them that you only get out of life what you put into it!!
I am proud to say, that Samuel & Catharine Procuniar were my great great grandfather & great great grandmother. My only regret is that I did not know them personally.
All births and deaths of Samuel’s children were taken from Samuel’s family bible, as was Samuel’s marriage date. Birth & death dates not found in the bible were taken from the respective cemetery stones & or from the Montgomery County Health Department records at the Montgomery County Building in Dayton, Ohio.
Land & Deed records were obtained from the Montgomery County building 5th floor Micro Film section Dayton, Ohio.

David Charles Procuniar July 5, 1995
August 24, 1995
Additional Research in Whitley county Indiana, Isaac Procuniar died 22 April 1904 and his wife Elizabeth J. died just four days before on 18 April 1904 while they were living in Whitley County Indiana. Research further noted that Isaac and Elizabeth Jane had a total of five (5) children, William born 1851; Mary born 1852; John born 1853; Sarah born ca 1854 and another girl born ca 1856. William died 21 November 1903 at the Long Cliff Asylum in Whitley County Indiana where he was admitted on 21 November 1903. William’s obituary lists his two sisters and mother and father surviving him, no wife mentioned!!
Obituary: Samuel Procuniar's Obituary:
Taken from the obituary in the Journal Herald, Dayton, Ohio March 9th 1880
PROCUNIAR Sunday March 7th 1880 at 12 AM Samuel Procuniar born in
Washington County, Maryland April 5th 1800 aged 79 years, 11 months and 2 days.
[He was actually born in 1801] Funeral this Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from his
late residence, Valley Pike. Services by Rev. D. Winters, D. D.
Land & Deed records:
The following are Deed Records for Samuel Procuniar Montgomery County Ohio
Deed Book R 448, Montgomery County building, 5th floor on Micro Film
Samuel Prockuner (Procuniar) bought land from Joseph B. Jones on November 13, 1833 for $500.00.
Land description:
Beginning on Main St. at its northwest corner running eastward with northern boundary 200 ft. at right angles southward 60 ft. thence at right angles westward 200 ft. to Brown St. thence northward 60 ft. with Brown St to the place of beginning.
Deed Book T-12, Montgomery County building 5th floor
Micro Film
Samuel Prockuner (Procuniar) sold land to Joseph B. Jones
on November 13, 1833 for $700.00.
Land description:
Outlet 48 east ... south of and adjoining the beginning on Brown St. at the northwest corner and running from thence eastward with its northern boundary 200 feet thence at right angles southward 60 feet thence at right angles westward 200 feet to Brown St. thence northward 60 feet with Brown St. to the place of beginning, situate lying and being in the county of Montgomery
Due as follows, one note for $50.00 payable on the first day of April next, one note for $91.00 and sixty six cents in one year from the 1st day of April next, one note for $91.66 on 2 years from April 1st, one note for $91.66 in 3 years from April 1st with lawful interest.
Deed Book X-63 Montgomery County building 5th floor
Micro Film and Deed Books
Samuel Prockuner bought land from James Ogan on November 28, 1836 for the sum of $600.00.
Land description:
Lot #48 east on the plat of outlet ______ beginning on Brown St. at its northwest corner and running from thence eastward with its northern boundary 200 feet thence at right angles southwest 60 feet at right angles westward 200 feet to Brown St. thence northwest with Brown St. 60 feet to the place of beginning.
John Folkerth Samuel Braguner
Caroline (Grumbine) Braguner Catharine Brockuner signed with "X"
Deed Books Montgomery City Building 5th floor summery:
Amount & Location
Thomas Brown R David Prockuner Sept 20, 1833 $65.00 Lot #59
Samuel Prockuner, T-12 Joseph B. Jones Nov 13, 1833 $700.00 Lot #48 Brown Street
David Raymond Z Wm. Procunier Oct 11, 1836 $150.00 Lot #44 Brown Street
James Ogan X-63 Samuel Prockuner, Nov30, 1836 $400.00 Lot #48 Brown Street
Samuel Prockuner X-125 James Ogan Dec 15, 1836 $600.00 Signed Samuel Bragunier
David Prockunier B-2 Elizabeth Gale Sept 16, 1838 $130.00 Lot #59
Wm. Procunier E-2 Henry Slaght Nov 21, 1840 $250.00 Lot #44
Abijah Snider R-2 John Percuniar Feb 19, 1851 $140.00 Lot #3 town of Texas
John Procuniar T-2 Catherine Procuniar Nov 18, 1852 $140.00 Lot #3 town of Texas
Sebastian Busche H-3 Samuel Procuniar Jan 31, 1860 $1250.00 9 1/2 acres, Valley Pike
James Andrews H-3 Samuel Procuniar Feb 27, 1860 $100.00 0.89 acres Mad River
Moses Smith K-3 Samuel Procuniar Sept 29, 1860 $30.00 1/10th acre
Samuel Procuniar U-3 James Corson Jan 20, 1865 $158.00 Lot #3 town of Texas
Samuel Procuniar 110 Dennis Cain Sept 24, 1877 $100.00
Charles Whealan 121 Jacob Procuniar Nov 11, 1880 $900.00 Lot #9616 Valley Pike
Samuel Procuniar Estate 122 John Bickmore May 18, 1881 $3500.00 9 1/2 acres Valley Pike
Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
© Copyright 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …