John F. Procuniar 1855-1918
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 12 Feb 2005
John Franklin Procuniar born February 18, 1855 in Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio. John married Agnes Fredericka Basore about 1876 in Dayton, Ohio. More about John and his family in the paragraphs below! John died on 24 May 1918 in Cook County, Chicago, Illinois Agnes born on 29 Jan 1856
in Montgomery County, Germantown, Ohio; died on 15 Jul 1927 in Cook
County, Chicago, Illinois. Both John & Agnes are buried in the OakRidge
Glen Oak Cemetery, Hillside, Illinois.
October 19, 1972 in North Brook, Illinois, from a Stroke. Gertrude married
John Taylor McNeill Sr. January 13, 1896 in Hamilton County, Ohio near
Cincinnati! John was born August 18, 1871 Livermore, Kentucky, died
October 26, 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. John's occupation was an Artist.
Died December 2, 1922 in Chicago, Illinois. Claude was listed as a Confectioner
Cincinnati Ohio in the year 1900. Claude married Laura E. Quigley about 1905
in Chicago, Illinois. Laura died of pregnancy complications on December 17, 1912 aged 29.
John Franklin Procuniar Jr. 1884- 25 Dec 1886 about 2 years old COD Diphtheria
Hugh Clifford Procuniar 1888-1973 Hugh was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 6, 1888. Came to Illinois with his parents in 1903/1904 where he later met and married his 1st wife Ella Long.
Raymond R. Procuniar 1890-1891 COD Cholera Infantum 11 months old
Beatrice Gladys Procuniar 1892-1980 born in Cincinnati on October 1, 1892, died November 10, 1980 in Lake Forest, Illinois. Married Lewis Albert Hauschild (1887-1923) on August 5, 1912 in Chicago, Illinois. Lewis was a Chicago Criminal Attorney who was murdered (died from gun shot wounds). They have never found Lewis's killer!
Edith Procuniar born on 18 Sep 1894 in Cincinnati, Ohio; married Fred Mattheis (date unknown)
Odra (Jack) Procuniar Born December 18, 1896 in Cincinnati, Ohio; Married Florence Petty
Odra's Children: Jack Procuniar
Phyllis Procuniar 1899-1901 COD: Gastritis 1yr 8mo old
Main Sources:
Robert A. Procuniar 980 Sandalwood Lane Crystal Lake, IL. 60014
Pamela Procuniar Goldberg 14 Old Orchard Rd Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
James Procuniar 4356 West Highland, Chicago Il 60646
Deborah Jean Klemp Volpe 2909 Owl Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
David C Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432
by Richard Odra Hauschild (1914-2001)
I vaguely recall John Franklin Procuniar as a "nameless shadow". His wife, Agnes F. Basore, my grandma, was a strong personality, who slaved for her family by taking in roomers. She had a vibrant laugh, loved to play Ouija boards and read tea leaves. She also had a friend who manufactured ice cream and I looked forward to his visits. Grandma had a problem with her legs and used a cane.
Harry & Clarence Procuniar, I never knew. Edith Procuniar, saw her once. She was blonde, pretty, and married to Fred Matthies. He was in the building trade and I had the impression he mistreated her. They had a son, Fred Matthies Jr.
Claude Procuniar, Met once, no memory of him...
Gertrude Procuniar, My favorite aunt, married John Taylor McNeill, a fine artist. He worked for the Fair Department Store in Chicago, drawing all of their ads for the local Chicago newspapers. I can still remember on Sundays watching him walking down the street to our home to visit my dad to have a drink and sometimes play poker. It was on one of these Sundays that my dad learned by phone that one of his clients, "terrible" Tommy O'Connor, had escaped from the County Jail. (He was an accused murderer) The Chicago papers played it up big. O'Connor is still referred to in today's papers. He was often sighted but he was the only guy who escaped from this jail and never found.
Aunt Gertie loved to play poker and during the Depression would have most of us over for Sunday dinner and supper and my mother, uncle Cliff, his wife, Marge, Buss,, and I would play. When you lost $2.00 you played off the cuff and ate voraciously. Those were the days!!!
My cousins, McNeills, as listed, were always close and wonderful in every way. John and Bernice are still alive as of this writing.
Merritt F. Procunier, Claude's son, started work early in life. Lived at times with sister, Phyllis, in home of grandma Agnes. Very personable and handsome with a photographic memory, but little education. In the late 1920's and 1930's, he was considered one of Chicago's best Bowlers, and with his personality, made business contacts in advertising that provided a lucrative living. He was married twice and had children with each wife. One of his sons became Superintendent of Schools in Lake County, ILL. I cannot recall their names.
My years from birth to 9 years were "touch and go". Two major illnesses, polio and whooping cough were almost terminal and did take my brother Lewis. Brother Robert died of measles. My father was killed in 1923, when I was 9 years. Parents in those days had no emphasis on savings, real estate, stocks, etc. My mother found herself and her children destitute! Grandma Agnes took us in her home. Fortunately, my father was a member of the Masonic Lodge, and the Masons took us into their home in LaGrange, ILL. where we stayed from 1924 to 1930. This was no ordeal. We were treated good, fed, cleaned, and educated. My mother married Richard Kirby a stockbroker, in 1930. But, alas! The market crashed and the Great Depression began.
All of Cliff Procuniar's boys moved in with us, and later, Odra Procunier and his family did the same. I found a job at 16, and at one time was the only worker.
These are some of "my remembrances". . . . The rest of our lives - the Procuniars and the Hauschilds - flowed into a marvelous sea of opportunity and raised families for the next genealogist to track down !

By Richard Odra Hauschild
Notes from this author:
John Franklin Procuniar, who Richard refers to as a "nameless shadow" was born in Dayton Ohio on January 28, 1856. His occupation was of a "printer" and "candy maker" in 1876 and a "Confectioner" through 1882 when he moved to Cincinnati to start a Candy Business there. John Franklin's family moved on to Chicago Illinois about 1904.
Richard told me that he owes his success to a Doctor Marshall D Molay who Richard met and worked for in the 1930's. Dr. Molay made Richard go to night school to finish High School and Pre-Med in College which led Richard to a stint in the Navy as a "Pharmacist's Mate". He was then transferred to the Marines and arrived in the Pacific area for duty in October 1944. Before shipping out however, Richard became formally engaged to his home-town sweetheart, Ruth Buran of the WAVES, an Oak Park girl who was attending Midshipman School in Northampton Mass. at the time.
Agnes Fredericka Basore 1856-1927 Wife of John F. Procuniar…..
Buried Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. Agnes received a post card from her son-in-law Lewis Hauschild December 26, 1919. Agnes address at that time was Mrs. J. F. Procuniar, 1104 Oakdale Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Apt. 3. John & Agnes are buried in the OakRidge - Glen Oak Cemetery, Hillside, Illinois.
Occupation…. Agnes was a housewife, also took in Boarders to make a living, (The name Fredericka was sent to us from Paula Hauschild Barton).
FURTHER Bashore RESEARCH ..... A Jacob Ullery built his home in Covington, Ohio which he sold to the "Bashore" family in 1819. The German Baptist Brethren held church meetings in the Bashore house for several years. Ref Roots by the River by Marcus Miller page 44, 81. Possibly descendents of Jacob Bashore & wife Sally (Noffsinger) Bashore [see page 93 Brethren Encyclopedia] FURTHER RESEARCH look in the A. Stapleton book, The Bashore Family of Pennsylvania 1898 pg. 180-181. Also a Jacob G. Bashore (1827-1895) moved with his parents from Berks Co., PA to Rockingham Co., VA, in 1828 and then on to Miami County, Ohio by 1834. Jacob married Sallie Miller and reared a family of nine children and was active in the Brethren faith. [also a Stephen H. Bashore], leader of the Brethren church, page 182 Brethren Encyclopedia.
More About John Franklin Procuniar …….
John Franklin was born on January 28 1856 in Dayton Ohio. John's father died when John was just 7 years old. At the age of 18 John Franklin was listed as a Candy Maker in the Dayton City Directory. When John was 19 years old his sister Minerva died. In 1876 John married Agnes Fredericka Basore, they resided at 329 Wayne Ave and was listed as a Confectioner in the Dayton, Ohio city directory. In 1880 John Franklin started a business called "The Wholesale & Retail Confectionery, Ice Cream & Refreshment Co in Dayton Ohio." John Franklin went to Cincinnati in 1881 to establish a business while Agnes stayed back in Dayton. Agnes took in boarders to make a living until she could join her husband in Cincinnati in mid 1882. You will notice that there were no living children born to John & Agnes between October 1881 (birth of Claude) & April 1888 (Hugh) a span of over six years. During that six year period either Agnes had still born children or they died before any records were written of that family.
In 1882 John and Agnes moved their entire family to Cincinnati Ohio to work in the Candy Business. His occupation is listed as a "Confectioner". (1900 Cincinnati Ohio Censue) While living in Dayton they had four children, Gertrude born 2, October 1877, Harry May 13, 1879, Clarence November 26, 1880 and Claude October 18, 1881.
While living in Cincinnati they had five more children, Hugh born on 6 April 1888, Beatrice October 1, 1892, Edith September 18, 1894, Odra (Jack) December 18, 1896, and Phyllis born June 1899. John and his sons Clarence, Claude and Harry were last listed in the Cincinnati City Directory in 1902 page 1426 as living at flat 10, 1109 Main Street in Cincinnati Ohio.
The family moved somewhere near Chicago Illinois in Cook County sometime in 1903. I could not find anymore family records for any of John Franklin's family after 1902 in Ohio. There are records of all of John's children in Illinois after 1902 except for Harry & Clarence. Just oral family recollections of Edith and Phyllis. Claude's son Merritt Frances, always referred to Phyllis as his sister, since both were raised by their grandmother Agnes. John died in May of 1918 and Agnes died in July of 1927 while both were living in Cook County, Chicago, Illinois; both are buried in the OakRidge - Glen Oak Cemetery, Hillside, Illinois.
While living in Dayton Ohio John F. borrowed $60.00 from his uncle Jacob Procuniar on July 15, 1880 with the promise to repay Jacob the $60.00 on the 29th of July 1880. (Receipt on box in possesion of David Procuniar, Dayton, Ohio)
History of Montgomery County Ohio 1889, page 279 of Military History, a John Procunier is listed as treasurer of the newly formed "Wide Awakes" which held it's first meeting on Saturday June 9, 1889.
Debby Volpe 2502 Campbell Street, Rolling Meadows, Il 60008-1612
David Charles Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432-2272
Census Records, Land and Deed records, Probated Wills, Bible Records & Family Letters.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittian Bragunier Robinson 1969
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film
Census & Dayton City Directory records.
Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).