Roberta Thelma Procunier 1925-
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
Copyright 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Roberta Thelma Procunier The daughter of Melvin Thomas Procunier & Alpha Frances Helm,
married Roy Lewis Swenson Moscow, Idaho. Roberta says she is a housewife & Inter-Denominational.
Roberta Swenson is the family genealogist for the George Anderson Procunier Lineage & has been extremely helpful in gathering and sharing her family history.
Linda Marie Swenson 1949
Linda married Irwin Roy Haynes
Children: Curtis Roy Haynes & Crystal Dawn Haynes
David Roy Swenson 1956 married Becky Perry;
Children: Christopher Daniel Swenson
Below is Roberta's short BIO and also a few emails

I received from Roberta this past year:
Short Biography
by Roberta Thelma Procunier Swenson Sept 2006
A short biography of Roy and I and our family. It will be pretty hard to make it short after 61 years of marriage, but I'm game to try.
Roy and I married right after World War 2 in 1945. It was a good year, with the war finally over and me looking forward to living in the big city of Spokane after being raised on a farm, and sharing my life with one peach of a guy! Of course my name changed to a simple norwegion name, but I no longer had to spell it out to strangers.
Roy and I raised two children and felt very fortunate to have the joy of raising a boy and a girl, whose names are David Roy and Linda Marie. We have spent most of our married life living in Spokane, Washington. Both of our children also live here, too. David has 3 children, Christopher, Breanna, and Corey and Linda has 2 children, Curtis and Crystal. The grandchildren have been the delight of our lives and now, Breanna has presented us with a baby Great Grandson whose name is Hayden. What a delight he is since it had been 20 years since the last baby was born. I should mention that little Hayden has 12 living Grandparents, so he has plenty of people to spoil him!
We feel very fortunate to be living in a beautiful part of the United States with so many mountains and lakes, and spent alot of time at Priest Lake in Northern Idaho, where we have built 2 cabins, and also enjoyed many camping trips.
At this date all of our family live in Spokane, Roy's two brothers live here, and my one and only brother has always lived here, and we have several nieces and nephews here, too so we are one big happy family! At our 61st anniversary last year (2005) they all showed up for a great celebration.
I felt very fortunate to have David Procuniar contact me in 1992, looking for more Procuniers. He found quite a handful out west from the Peter Procunier Jr lineage! I guess our ancesters had quite a pioneer spirit as did those who came to the United States so many years ago--Aren't we glad they did?

Roberta Thelma Procunier Swenson Sept 2006
Email from Roberta Procunier Swenson Jan 24, 2006
We played cards with Roy’s younger brother last night and had lunch and visited with both his brothers today. (And wives, of course). They had such a good time reminiscing over old times. It is neat having all our siblings around.
Kathleen, who you met in the pictures, is my cousin and Roy’s niece. Her Mother was Roy’s sister, and she married my Mother’s brother. That makes Kathleen and my kids double cousins. You are such a great genealogist that probably didn’t confuse you one bit!
Your Cuz, Roberta
Yes, Genealogy is wonderful and so are Computers! Now I don’t want to confuse you again but daughter, Linda, and Kathleen are first cousins once removed on Roy’s side of the family, and 2nd cousins on my side of the family as Kathleen and I are first cousins. Get it?
Anyway, we all have a lot of fun trying to decide how we are all related.
We also have another mix-up in the family when my Grandma Procunier (George’s wife) was widowed and she married a first cousin of my Grandpa Helm on my Mother’s side of the family. I WON`T EVEN GO INTO THAT!
Roberta Thelma Procunier Swenson
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittian Bragunier Robinson 1969
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film
Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
© Copyright 2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …