A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 01 Mar 2003
PETER PROCUNIER Jr. 1764-1847 (son of Peter and Margaret Brockunier Sr), born in the American colonies on 17 Nov/Dec 1764, died at Walsingham Township, Norfolk County, Upper Canada (Ontario) on 8 Aug 1847 ae. 82y 8m 21d. He married Mary Elizabeth McKinsley, born 1770, who died at Walsingham Twp. 7 Sep 1847 ae 76y.
Peter Procunier (Proccunier) was granted a warranty for 400 acres of land January 5, 1794 in Huntingdon, County Pennsylvania. Ref: Pennsylvania Archives 3rd Series. 25:751 However there is no record of Peter disposing of this land before leaving for Canada (about 1802-03) that this author can find!
Peter was taxed in Shirley Township, Huntingdon, County
Pa. in 1788 and listed as a single man.
Peter is listed as Peter Pracooner.
1790 Census Huntingdon, County, Pennsylvania,
shows a Peter Parcunia.
1790 Census Washington County, Maryland, no
Peter Procunier of any spelling shows up here!
1794 Peter Procunier purchases 400 acres in
Huntingdon county January 5, 1794.
1800 Census Allegheny Township, Huntingdon,
County Pennsylvania
Lists a Peter Burgoon, Jacob Burgoon and
John Burgoon. (Ref: G. Randall page 13)
By looking at the births of Peter’s children, it was determined that Peter relocated (emigrated) his family from Huntindon County Pennsylvania to Norfolk County Ontario between February 1800 when his son David was born in Hundingdon County Pennsylvania and September 1803 when his twin girls Elizabeth and Margaret were born in Norfolk county, Ontario. Peter's older sister Margretha Procunier Boward and her family of nine children had already emigrated to Norfolk County from Pennsylvania in 1800. Source: 1805 Census Norfolk County Upper Canada
Peter Jr. was a member of the First Reformed Church in Norfolk County, Ontario Canada. Peter is buried in the Johnson Cemetery in Norfolk County, St. William, Ontario Canada next to his wife and several of his family members.
In the Norfolk County records, Peter signed his last name as "Prockunier". His family subsequently adopted the spelling of "Procunier". Peter's first record in the Long Point Settlement that I found was his appearance as a Petty Juror of the London District Court on 10 Mar 1803. He served again in that capacity on the 14th & 15th of March 1804.
On May 1st 1806, Peter purchased land from William Cope, 50 acres in the north part of Lot 24, Concession 1, Walsingham Twp. 3 at the southwest corner of the village of St. Williams. He received the relinquishment of dower rights on this lot from Frances Cope on 12 Mar 1806. Peter Jr.’s daughter Elizabeth married Jacob Cope (s/o William & Frances Cope) in 1822 associating the Cope name with the Procunier’s. Together Jacob and Elizabeth had seven children.
On 25 March 1809, Peter Prockunier was among the signers, "Inhabitance of Long Point" and elsewhere, of a certificate for Christian Troyer "that he has caused all those to Settle in this Province." Christian Troyer, formerly of Somerset County, Pennsylvania traveled to Upper Canada in 1789, settled land in Walsingham Twp., then returned to Pennsylvania on frequent expeditions to bring settlers to Norfolk, Haldimand, and York Counties.
After Peter's second son Peter Prockunier, III died in 1832 at the age of 36 leaving three young children to be raised by his wife Deborah (Cope) (d\o Conrad Cope and Sarah Sands), Peter Jr. filed for Letters of Administration over his son's (Peter III) estate and for the guardianship of grandson David Sands Procunier to be given to the boy's uncle David Procunier. Another son, Adam Procunier was also mentioned in this guardianship. Also there was a mention of a son Peter IV who was just five years old in 1832.
NOTE: From the date of his birth and his name, it has been assumed by this author that this Peter was the fourth child & eldest son of our Peter Brockunier (Bragonier) SR who as Peter Prakunier, was listed in the August 1776 census for Elizabethtown, Maryland, with a son Peter, then aged 11. (Note that our Peter would have been 11 years old in 1776) Peter and his descendants seem to have preserved the spelling of their name with a "P" and the "k" sound in the middle, as did many of the other descendants of Peter JR. Some who preserved the initial "B" did use the "ck" sound in the middle, also.
There is speculation (although not true at all) that Peter Procunier JR may have been a son of a Henry Procunier. Peter named his first son Henry, instead of following the usual custom of those days in naming the first son for the father's father. (a custom perhaps not followed by Peter JR) This Peter JR and Henry was just a referenced suggestion that came in the Georgiana Randall book, "The Bragonier Family" on page 13. This author does not agree with this speculation at all. The evidence does not support this speculation!
Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada was located on the north shore of Lake Erie. Originally known as the Long Point Settlement of Upper Canada, it was first settled in the 1790s. Norfolk was merged into the Provincial Region of Haldimand-Norfolk 200 years later.
Norfolk County consisted of seven townships: Charlotteville, Houghton, Middleton, Townsend, Walsingham, Windham, and Woodhouse -- and until 1820, Rainham and Walpole.
Some of the Sources for the above information are: Jane K. Kneis Maurer 2205 Embe Pasadena, TX 77502-3902; Joanne Helen Snell Harvey 2420 Newport Drive Lansing, MI 48906; REF: Elaine Allen Allen RR 1, Box 418, Belle Fourche, SD 57717; And of course David C. Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45432. Also see page 13 G. Randall and Robert Mutrie
Robert Mutrie has added Thumbnail Biographies to his web site (see selection on our home page for Other Family Links) One thing you will notice is that R. Robert Mutrie lists our Peter Brockunier SR as Peter Prockunier instead of Peter Brockunier SR on his web page. He also refers to Peter Brockunier SR's son (Peter Procunier JR) as Peter Procunier (no JR) This may cause some confusion among our die hard Procuniar\ier Bragunier genealogists. I recently sent R. Mutrie a copy of the bible pages from Peter Procunier JR's family bible and it clearly shows that Peter JR wrote his name in the Bible as Peter Proccunier SR. Gordon Procunier (of Canada) decided to refer to Peter Brockunier SR as Peter I, his son as Peter II and Peter JR's son as Peter III. Hopefully this will help explain the differences!!

Pages from Peter JR's Family Bible click HERE
Peters last name was spelled Proccunier on the 1791 tax list Shirley Township, Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania. Peter Procunier was granted a warranty for 400 acres of land January 5, 1794 in Huntingdon, County Pennsylvania, Ref: Pennsylvania Archives 3rd Series. 25:751 However there is no record of Peter disposing of the land before leaving for Canada that this author has found!
NOTE: Click on the Norfolk Genealogy web site hyperlink below and see the family from his point of view:
Click Here to see Norfolk Genealogy (Canada) information concerning the Procuniers on the norfolk-genealogy website.. search for "Long Point Settlers" then click on any Procunier link.
Send Snail-mail: to Robert at 244 Maple Leaf Avenue North, Ridgeway, Ontario L0S 1N0
Susannah Procunier born 24 Mar 1791 Shirley Twp. Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, died 16 Mar 1813 in Norfolk County, Ontario Canada aged 21years, 11 months 22 days.
Henry Procunier, Sr born 11 Oct 1792, Huntingdon County, Pa. married Frances (Weymer) Manuel in 1820,
Peter Procunier III, Born 17 Nov 1795, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, married Deborah Cope 1827
Adam Procunier born 25 Apr 1798 Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, married Desire Neal.
David Procunier born 4 Feb 1800 Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, married Sarah Ann Overbaugh.
Elizabeth Procunier twin born 24 Sep 1803, Norfolk, Ontario. Married Jacob Cope about 1822
Margaret Procunier twin born 24 Sep 1803, Norfolk, Ontario, circa Dec 1813
Sarah Procunier born 13 Feb 1806, Norfolk, Ontario, died 8 Dec 1813
Isaac Procunier born 31 Aug 1809, Norfolk, Ontario, died 27 Jun 1857, Iowa, married Amy (Annie) McCleish.
Catharine Procunier born 2 Jun 1811, Norfolk, Ontario, married Francis Emerick.
Some family genealogist often confuse Catharine's records with her niece Catharine Ann.
For some reason three of Peter Jr's daughters Susannah (21), Margaret (10) & Sarah (7) all died in 1813. Margaret & Sarah died in December of 1813.
Information for this page was researched by David C. Procuniar.
Additional information supplied by the following:
…Mrs. Kathryn (Carroll) Keegan, 12106 Kober Road, La Porte City, IA …50651-2130;
…Mrs. Elaine Allen, RR 1, Box 418, Belle Fourche, SD 57717;
…Mrs. Jane K. Maurer, 2205 EMBE, Pasadena, TX 77502-3902;
…Mrs. Joanne Harvey, 2420 Newport Drive, Lansing, Michigan.
...Cherie Peterson Emerick email 1/26/98 CPeter4627@aol.com
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittian Bragunier Robinson 1969
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film
Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
© Copyright 2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …