Henry Procunier Sr 1792-1842
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 20 Oct 2001
Henry Procunier Sr son of Peter Proccunier JR (1764-1847) and Elizabeth ____ 1770-1847); Henry was born in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania on 7 August 1792, died at Walsingham Township, Norfolk County, Canada West on 16 Jan 1842. He married Frances (Weymer) Manuel in 1820, daughter of Anthony Manuel & Margaret Mabee. Frances was born in Prince William, York County, New Brunswick on 9 Jun 1797, died at Port Royal, Walsingham Twp. on 31 July 1880, aged 83 years. Frances & Henry are buried in Johnson Cemetery, St. Williams, Upper Canada.
recorded with her family in the 1852 and 1861 Censuses of Walsingham, aged 55 and 63 and then aged 74 in 1871. Frances was one of five Manuel sisters who gained local notoriety for their longevity.
The obituary of Frances (Manuel) Procunier in the Norfolk Reformer of 6 Aug 1880, was descriptive. It provided the above birth date and location Prince William on the River St. John, then noted that her parents came to Ontario in 1807, settling at Charlotteville near Victoria on what is called the Walter Anderson estate. Frances married when she was 23 years of age and her family moved to Walsingham in 1823 where Frances lived until she died. She had ten children, six boys and four girls all living at the time of her death. Frances was a Baptist for 51 years, one of the first twelve members who organized the Port Rowan Baptist Church under Reverend W. McDormand.
Children: (9 or 10?)
Peter Procunier 1820-1884 born Jan 12, 1820 in Port Royal, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada, married Elizabeth Baumwart in 1846. Peter is buried in Walsingham Township. This marriage produced five children,
Jacob Weymer Procunier 1821-1914 born August 29, 1821 in Ontario Canada, married Emily Jane Foster, together had eleven (11) children:
Anthony Weymer Procunier 1823-1894 born August 20, 1823 in Norfolk County, Ontario, married 1st before 1848 Suzanna (Bowers) Baumwart, married 2nd Mary J. Good after 1863.
Henry Procunier Jr 1825-1900 born July 23. 1825 in Norfolk County Ontario Canada, married 1st Hannah Elizabeth Smith 1854, married 2nd Bintha Maitland after 1865
Elizabeth Procunier 1827-1894 born October 4, 1827 Norfolk County, Ontario,
married Frederick Michael Tremblay 1846, children: Henry, Frederick, Elizabeth, Delbert, Rose, Zenabe & Fanny
Nancy Ann Procunier 1830-1916 born June 21, 1830 Norfolk County, Ontario Canada, never married
William Procunier 1833-1914 born November 25, 1833 Norfolk County, Ontario, married Mary Janette Loucks 1855, children: ..Lafayette, Amorette, Sarah Jane, William H., Byron, & Sylvia Ann.
(William is the great great grandfather of Raymond Keith Procunier (Director of Corrections))
Catharine Procunier 1838-1897 born September 09, 1838 Norfolk County, Ontario married Andrew LaChapelle 1866, children: Austin Peter, Sarah Minerva, William Henry, Delamere Manual & Fanny Belle.

Link to the LaChapelle - Procunier connection click HERE!
Sarah Ann Procunier 1840-1894 born October 24, 1840 Norfolk County, Ontario, married Peter A. Hutchins 1872, children: Frank Monroe, Olive Erin & Frances Grace.
A - Son Procunier (I do not have anything on this son ….. R. Robert Mutrie brings this child into the family lineage saying a boy was born after Sarah but he didn't know the boys name nor gave me any source for this son)
Information for this page was researched by David C. Procuniar with additional information supplied by the following:
A few Sources:
Elaine Allen Allen RR 1 Box 418 Belle Fourche, South Dakota 57717 Email elainea@mato.com
Jane K. Maurer 2205 EMBE Pasadena, Texas 77502-3902
Joanne Harvey 2420 Newport Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48906 Email harveyfti@webtv.net
Other Sources:
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittain Bragunier Robinson 1969.
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film.
Additional Sources:
1 Dates supplied by Mabee family historian Royal A. Mabee, perhaps from an early reading of a possible stone for Henry Procunier in Johnson Cemetery, at St. Williams, Ontario.
2 Obituary of Frances Procunier in Norfolk Reformer of 6 Aug 1880
3 Gravestone in Johnson Cemetery, St. Williams, Ontario
4 Muster Rolls of the Norfolk County Militia
5 Upper Canada Land Petition P 14/89
6 Abstracts of Deeds Register of Walsingham
Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
Copyright David C. Procuniar ... Reprinted with permission ...
During the War of 1812, Henry was recorded as a private on an 1814
muster roll of Captain Oliver Mabee's Company of the Norfolk Militia. On 21 April 1823, Henry Prockunier of Malahide Twp., Elgin County filed an Upper Canada Land Petition stating that he was a son of Peter Procunier of Walsingham Twp. Henry had been located by Col. Thomas Talbot in 1817 on 100 acres in Malahide Twp. Henry requested and received a grant of that lot.
On May 29, 1827, Henry and Frances purchased from Nathan B Barnum a 75 acre farm, in the center of the south Lot 12, Concession A, Walsingham Township on Long Point Bay near Port Rowan. To this they added another 75 acres in the same lot in 1839.
After Henry's death in 1842, his widow continued with her family on the farm and the two oldest sons Peter and Jacob took over its management. Fanny Procunier, (as she was called) widow, was