A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Procunier\Brockunier\Bragunier\etc in Pennsylvania
Information from Pennsylvania Census & Tax Records
Henry Bragooner (Tax list),Strassburg Twp., Lancaster Co., PA, Militia 3rd class private PA Archives 5th ser VII:93, 97 & 649 [found no record of his family], (Possibly a brother of George Braggooner of Berkeley Co. West Virginia) [pg. 7 GR] A George Braggoner appears on the tax list for Berkeley Co., Virginia 1782-87 (now W. Virginia) A George Braggooner is listed as a Militiaman, ae 16-50 in Berkeley Co., Virginia (nodate)
Note! Huntingdon Co., was set off form Bedford Co. & later a little more of Bedford Co., was added to Franklin Co.,
Peter (Pracooner) Parcuna Jr.[b- 11 Nov 1764 Washington Co., MD] s\o Peter Brockunier Sr. Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co. PA [single, taxed #10.00] married 1789 [pg. 13 GR]
Peter Parcuna Jr. (Census) Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co. PA.
Peter Parcuna Jr. (Tax List) Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co. PA
Henry Brockunier Sr. b-1772 d-1812 Allegheny Co., Sewickly, PA. Just north east of Pittsburgh PA. s\o Peter Brockunier Sr.
Peter Procunier granted a warranty for 400 acres of land January 5, 1794 in Huntingdon, County Pennsylvania Ref: Pennsylvania Archives 3rd Series. 25:751
Samuel Rohrer Brockunier born 12 June 1795 s\o Henry Brockunier Sr., in Huntingdon Co., PA, [pg. 31 GR]
Peter Procunier III b- 17 November 1795, Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA, s\o Peter Parcuna Jr.
Elizabeth Brockunier born 13 Nov 1796 d\o Henry Brockunier Sr., in Huntingdon Co., PA, married Davis Warner
Jacob Bragooner Sr. July 8, 1796, Penn. Arch. Vol. 25 Warrantees of Land 1780-1895 page 469 records 150 acres survey in Bedford Co. Pa. for Jacob Bragomer and on page 6 of same volume, 253 acres surveyed April 7, 1806 in Franklin Co. Pa. for Jacob Braguneer. Jacob Bragooner Sr. died October 5, 1821 in Franklin county Pa. He fathered 13 children. Jacob was s\o George Braggooner of Berkeley Co. W. VA
Susanna Pragunier Werner sold land to John Palmer, Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co. PA
d\o Peter Brockunier Sr. -Henry Werner 1779 (John Palmer may be the brother of Elizabeth Palmer who married Jacob Braggooner in 1798, s\o George Bragooner Berkeley Co. W. VA)
1797 Jacob Braggooner d-died 1821 in Warren Twp., Franklin Co., PA
Mary Brockunier born 21 Mar 1799 d\o Henry Brockunier Sr., in Huntingdon Co., PA
David Procunier born 4 February [s\o Peter Parcuna Jr. 1800] Huntingdon Co., PA, [1800 Census shows Peter’s children] Where are the land records of Peter selling farm before moving to Canada in 1801/1802?)
Peter Burgoon Allegheny Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [don’t know]
Jacob Burgoon Allegheny Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [don’t know]
John Burgoon Allegheny Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [don’t know]
Henry Brockunier Dublin Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA
Henry Brockunier Air Twp., Bedford Co., PA [pg. 30 GR]; Henry was living on the border of Franklin and Huntingdon 1800 Counties, this may have caused Henry to be counted twice in the 1800 Census.
Henry Bragunier Bart Twp., Lancaster Co., PA [don’t know] (see 1782 above)
Daniel Brockunier born 7 Jan 1801, s\o Henry Brockunier Sr., Dublin Twp. Huntingdon Co., PA
Nancy Brockunier b- 15 Dec 1802, d\o Henry Brockunier Sr., Dublin Twp. Huntingdon Co., PA
Susannah Brockunier born 29 Dec 1805, d\o Henry Brockunier Sr., in Dublin Twp. Huntingdon Co., PA, married Mr. Carson
Henry Brockunier Sr. & wife Rosanah of Fannett Twp. Franklin Co., (Recorded in Chambersburg, PA) sold land to Hugh Linn Jr. on 21 June 1805 [9:219].
Jacob Braguneer purchased 253 acres surveyed April 7, 1806 in Franklin Co. Pa.,
s\o George Braggooner of Berkeley Co. W. VA
Sarah Brockunier Dublin Twp. Huntingdon Co., PA b- 9 Jan 1808 (d\o Henry Brockunier Sr.)
Henry Bragooner Greenwood Twp., Cumberland Co., PA
Henry Brokunier Sr. Fannett Twp., Franklin Co., PA
(Fannett Twp., in Franklin Co. includes the town of Concord which is up north).
Jacob Bragoner Sr. Warren Twp., Franklin Co., PA, s\o George Braggooner of Berkeley Co. W. VA,
(George Braggooner is believed to be a brother of Peter Brockunier Sr.)
Henry Brockunier Sr. died while living in Sewickly Pennsylvania (s\o Peter Brockunier Sr. bro of Peter Procunier Jr.)
Jacob Bragonier Warren Twp. Franklin Co., Pa. bought land on 28 April 1815 (38 Acres)
Jacob Bragonier Warren Twp. Franklin Co., Pa. bought land on 27 March 1816 (27 acres adjoined to his land)
Jacob Bragonier (Census) Warren Twp., Franklin Co., Pa. listed with Abraham ag 22 who relocated to Carroll Co. IN.
Jacob Bragooner Sr. died October 5, 1821. After Jacob’s death in 1821, his four youngest children, Dorothy, Susanna, Leah and Jacob Jr. were given to John Divelbiss on October 5, 1835 as their guardian. Their mother Elizabeth was still living in 1835 at 60 years of age, and died in 1859. The 1830 census for Warren Twp., Franklin Co., Pennsylvania, Vol. 36, gives Elizabeth Brogan as head of a household with one male under 5, one male 5-to-10 (Jacob), Two females aged 10-15, one 15- to-20, one 20-to-30, one 50-to-60. REF: G. Randall page 80. His children went on to spell their name Bragonier. See BBR page 56.
Jacob Bragooner Jr. born November 11, 1821 just 5 weeks after his father died.
Jacob Bragonia Sr. Franklin Co., Chambersburg, Pa. finds the recorded will of Jacob Estate No#1829 Testator Bragonia, Jacob Book C page 587 date of probate 1822.
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [married], (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [1cow] (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [1cow] (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Daniel Brecunier Springfield Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Elizabeth Brogan (Palmer) Census for Warren Twp., Franklin Co., Pennsylvania, Vol. 36, Elizabeth is listed as head of a household with one male under 5, one male 5-to-10 (Jacob), Two females aged 10-15, one 15-to-20, one 20-to-30, one 50- to-60. REF: G. Randall page 80. w\o Jacob Bragooner Sr.
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [1cow] (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [1cow] (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Daniel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [2 horses-2 cows] (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.), [50 acres & 150 acres for landlord]
Daniel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [2 cows-2 horses] (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Samuel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.), [50 acres & 150 acres for landlord]
Daniel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.), [2 cows-2 horses, 180 acres]
Daniel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.), [1 cow, 2 horses, 187 acres]
Daniel Brocunier Shirley Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA “C” (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.), Note “C” means part of Shirley 
Twp. was split and Daniel was listed in Cromwell Twp. Huntingdon Co., PA for 1836.
Daniel Brecunier Cromwell Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [2 horses, 3 cows], (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Daniel Brecunier Cromwell Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [3 horses, 3 cows], (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Daniel Brecunier Cromwell Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA [3 horses, 3 cows], (s\o Daniel Brockunier Sr.)
Elizabeth Bragonia (Census) Warren Twp., Franklin Co. PA (pg. 358)
Peter Procuis (Census) Eldred Twp. (018), Jefferson Co. PA
Jacob Bragooner Jr. and Elizabeth (Palmer) Bragooner his mother bought land in Air Twp., Bedford Co. one tract of 102 acres and one of 23 acres Deed Book 1 page 470.
Elizabeth Brockunier Ohio Twp., Allegheny Co., PA (d\o Henry Brockunier Sr.), m Davis Warner about 1815
Samuel R. Brockunier ae 55 Allegheny City, Allegheny Co., PA [1850 Census], (s\o Henry Brockunier Sr.)
Jacob Bragonier Jr. and wife Matilda sold land to Jacob’s mother Elizabeth Bragonier Oct. 30, of Air Twp., Fulton Co., Pa. 102 acres for $200.00, then Jacob Jr., wife Matilda and his five children moved to Scott Co., Iowa in November of 1854. They had 11 children total.
David C. Procuniar 10/1995
Ref: Georgiana Randall’s “Bragonier Family” & B.B. Robinson’s “Bragunier Family in America”
David C Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittain Bragunier Robinson 1969.
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film.
Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
© Copyright 2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …