Daniel Brockunier SR 1777-1840
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Daniel Brockunier SR, the son of Peter & Margaret Brockunier SR, born 1777 in Washington County Hagerstown, Maryland. Daniel was born on his parents farm called "Hagers Long Hickory" in Hagerstown, Washington County Maryland. Daniel was the youngest of nine children. In 1799 Daniel married someone named Barbara in the First Reformed Church in Elizabethtown Maryland. It was thought that this was Barbara Rohrer. However there is a recorded marriage of Daniel Bracunier to Barbara Rohrer on May 28, 1811. Barbara is the daughter of Christian Rohrer, who upon his death listed his daughter Barbara Bragonier as a beneficiary. To complicate things more, there is no death mentioned for the first Barbara, nor are there any cemetery records of this first Barbara. There is a recorded death of a Barbara Bragonier (d/o David Bragonier) who died July 19, 1811 aged 17 who might be confused with this Barbara of Daniel’s. It’s possible that Daniel married Barbara Rohrer in 1799, then found out the clergy performing the ceremony was not licensed properly, so they married again in May of 1811 to make it legal. It appears that Daniel and his new bride Barbara were living at the home of Daniel’s father in 1800, since the census seems to indicate a younger male and female in the house at that time. In 1804 Daniel shared in the inheritance of the family plantation, "Hager’s Long Hickory", with his brothers, David and Jacob. In 1808 Daniel and Jacob sold their interests in this property to their older brother, David. Daniel’s wife Barbara appeared in that deed. In the 1810 census Daniel is given as the head of the household in Elizabeth Hundred (Hagerstown), as were his brothers, David and Jacob. In this household were 3 males ae under 10 (Samuel, Daniel and David); 1 male ae 26-45 (Daniel SR ae about 33); 2 females ae under 10 (Susanna and Salome); 1 female 26-45 (Barbara) and 1 other free person. From the location on the census, Daniel seems to have been living next door to Jacob Rohrer and near to Frederick Rohrer. In the 1820 census for Washington County Maryland 3rd district, Daniel’s household included: 1 male ae under 10 (William ae 8); 2 males ae 10-16 (Daniel JR and David); 1 ae 16-26 (Samuel); 1 ae 45 or over (Daniel SR actually ae about 43); 1 female ae under 10 (the twin of William); 2 females ae 10-16 (Salome and ?? ) [This second female ae 10-16 may not have been another daughter. If Daniel’s wife was not living in 1820, it may have been household help]; 1 female ae 16-26 (Susanna). With this census record it would appear that Daniel’s wife Barbara was not living in 1820, or she was living someplace else. The baptisms for the first five of Daniel’s children appear in the records of the Zion Reformed Church in Hagerstown. There is one error in these church records which list David as the son of David and Barbara, which should be David, son of Daniel and Barbara, as David’s wife was not named Barbara.
Samuel Procuniar, born 5 Apr 1801, Washington County, Maryland. Gr Gr grandfather of David C. Procuniar
Samuel married Catharine Miller
Susannah Brockunier, born 31 Dec 1802, Washington County, Maryland, married Emanuel Tice 13 Feb 1840
Daniel Brecunier Jr., born 11 Dec 1804; died 10 Feb 1863; married Christina King on 24 Jul 1827 in Huntingdon County, Penn. Together they had ten (10) children.
David Prockuner, born 30 May 1807, Washington County, Maryland.

My research has failed to come up with anything on David after he left Dayton, Ohio in September of 1838.
Salome Brockunier, born 23 Jun 1809, Washington County, Maryland.
His sons started the Bragunier Bros. Grocery Chain stores in Kansas. Also William is the gr great grandfather of Brittian Bragunier Robinson, author of the "Braguniers in America" 1969.
Boy (twin of Wm.), born 19 Feb 1812, died 22 Feb 1812..
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittian Bragunier Robinson 1969
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film
Elaine Allen Allen RR 1 Box 418 Belle Fourche, South Dakota 57717 Email elainea@mato.com
Jane K. Maurer 2205 EMBE Pasadena, Texas 77502-3902
Joanne Harvey 2420 Newport Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48906 Email harveyfti@webtv.net
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Copyright 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001 ... David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …