The Procuniar\ier-Bragunier-Brockunier
Family Genealogy
The Procuniar\ier Chronicles
In Feburary of 1992 I was asked by other family members to send them some of my research notes because they had an interest in our family history. This resulted in the start of the Procuniar\ier Chronicle. To date (1/99) there are 29 issues printed and are included here without any of the pictures. Strictly a text version of the Chronicles.
Hopefully some day the Procuniar\ier Chronicle will become an electronic publication only and can be viewed online! 

Volume III Issue II April 1997
Volume III Issue I November 1996
Volume II Issue XII March 1996
Volume II Issue XI Nov\Dec 1995
Volume II Issue X June\July 1995
Volume II Issue IX March\April 1995
Volume II Issue VIII Nov\Dec 1994
Volume II Issue VII Sept\Oct 1994
Volume II Issue VI July\August 1994
Volume II Issue IV Feb\Mar 1994
Volume II Issue III Dec\Jan 1994
Volume II Issue II Oct\Nov 1993
Volume II Issue I Aug\Sept 1993
Volume I Issue XII July 1993
Volume I Issue XI March 1993
Volume I Issue X January 1993
Volume I Issue IX November 1992
Volume I Issue VIII September 1992
Volume I Issue VI July 1992
Volume I Issue V June 1992
Volume I Issue IV May 1992
Volume I Issue III April 1992
Volume I Issue II March 1992
Volume I Issue I February 1992
Pictures were omitted to save hard drive space!!
Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).