Thomas Henry Procunier 1856-1931
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Thomas Henry Procunier, the son of Henry Procunier & Hannah Elizabeth Smith; married Caroline May Buchner on 04 Feb 1879. Caroline (born 1862 in Erie, Ontario, died 01 Feb 1953 in Seattle, Washington) Thomas was born 01 Jul 1856 in Port Huron, Ontario. Thomas died as a result of a Heart Attack on 19 Jun 1931 in Seattle, Washington and is buried in the Evergreen, Cemetery, Seattle, Washington.
Source: Barbara (Baird) Bell, 1013 N. Glendale Avenue; Glendale CA 91206 818/241-8918 Caroline lived into her 80's also per Barbara Bell: 2/97 Her husband Allan just told me that when Mary Lou's children were tiny and they lived only a few doors away from GRANDMA PROCUNIER, THAT WHEN SHE CAME TO VISIT AT MARY LOU'S OR THEY WENT TO SEE GRANDMA, THEY CALLED HER "Grandma CUNIER" OR "CUNNER" A SIMILAR SOUNDING NAME. She may have been in her 80's at the time.
Ida Josephine Procunier (Twin of Hannah) 1879-1927, born in Canada, died on 31 Mar 1927 in Seattle, King county. Washington; married Matthew Sharp Muir (Matt was a career Army man, as far back as WW I. Both Matt and Ida Died while the two children were teen-agers.) Children: Matthew Muir (died Jun 1992) married Marge & Julia Muir (died before 1996)
Hannah E. Procunier (Twin of Ida) 27 Nov 1879 Canada; died 4 Dec 1879 
Marion E. Procunier 1881-1884, born in Canada
Carrie Elizabeth Procunier 1884-1979; married John Rapp Van Emelen 19 Jun 1905 in Seattle, Washington; John was born in 1878 and died in 1947. Children: Lois Margarette Van Emelen (1907-1973) married William Hansen & Claude Van Emelen (1915-1945) married Helen Folvin
Thomas Lee Gladstone Procunier 14 Oct 1887 Garden City, Clark County, S. Dakota, died circa 1935 in Seattle, Washington; married Rose Mohan on 17 Jun 1909 in Seattle, King, Washington, Catholic Priest. One child Rosemary Procunier, Meg (Procunier) Hasenoehrl contacted us 2004 trying to find her mother Rose Mary Procunier.
NOTE: No information about Rosemary Procunier until I received an email from Meg Hasenoehrl stating that she was the daughter of Rosemary Procunier (given up for adoption since Rose was not married when she gave birth). Meg only found out in 2004 who her mother & father was when she finally was able to obtain her birth certificate which named her mother as Rosemary Procunier, her Grandfather Thomas Lee Gladstone Procunier & grandmother was Rose Mohan.
Email from Barbara Bell Feb 2, 1997
2/2/97 I have no personal knowledge about them of course, but just for the moment, do let me tell you what little I do know. Winnie's daddy (Thomas H. Procunier) died (if I remember correctly, before Al was born, or at least when he was a little boy), but from what WINNIE TOLD ME ABOUT HER FOLKS, AND for the moment, SPECIFICALLY ABOUT HER DADDY She told me that THEY WERE LOVING, WONDERFUL PEOPLE. He had been born, I do believe in Canada, but came into the Dakotas early in century. Worked as a farmer/builder etc. Then due to bad conditions economically, weather-wise, and general ecological problems in the upper mid-west way back then, they pulled up stakes and with the entire family moved to SEATTLE WASHINGTON.
It was here in Seattle that the 5 girls put down there roots, and the older girls remained in the Seattle/Tacoma area all of their lives. Winnie loved her daddy, and from what Al (Barb's husband Allen Bell) says he remembers his GRANDMOTHER PROCUNIER saying He was a really fine, Christian man. He helped build a church that the family attended all the years they lived in the particular area of Seattle near GREEN LAKE (?); Winnie said that the only really "law" he laid down, so to speak, was that there was to be no extraneous activity on Sundays. The family would go to church, and grandma Procunier would fix a wonderful dinner, (& I am sure this is the case because OUR WINNIE, WAS A WONDERFUL COOK). Then once dinner was over and dishes done and kitchen in order, the girls (& later their boyfriends too) could do various sorts of things around home. Nothing particularly relating to Religion per se, but following the concept of using the Sabbath Day as a day of rest, contemplation, family togetherness and all that. Barbara Bell .................................
Letter from Jack Nicholson March 1997
The Records show that Thomas Henry was of Welsingham,Ontario,Canada.
He died on Father's Day, of a heart attack; was nearly 75 yrs. old.
From the Bible: This Certifies that the Rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Thomas H. Procunier of Welsingham and Carrie M. Buchner, of same place, on Feb. 4th A.D. at residence (of) bride's Father by Rev. W.H. Fredwell. Witness: Pricilla Buchner; Witness: Jefferson Cadogan. The Minister's name may have been Tredwell. (BEB)
The family came west out of South Dakota about 1903-1905. Probably came to Washington by train. Lived in Garden City or Watertown, Washington. The family arrived in Seattle in the dark of night and found lodging in some cheap hotel down on the skidrow. It must have been a scary scene with the town consisting of mostly drunken loggers and roughnecks going to and from the Alaskan Gold Fields. That first night in Seattle was apparently a frightening experience for them trying to protect their young family in Sodon-by-the-Sound. Grandpa Tom Procunier herded his young flock into the hotel room, barricaded the door and sat up all night with his rifle across his lap. The next morning they were headed south after one look at Seattle and didn't stop until they arrived at the community of Grand Mound, Washington, near Chehalis. They bought some acreage, built a house, tried to make a living farming and failed. They came back to give Seattle another try. Grandpa Tom worked as a carpenter. He took John Van Emelen into the business and John in time married Elizabeth. They built a number of houses in the north end of Seattle and the Procunier family home. which was the second house built on Green Lake. The first house was the F.A. McDonald home about a block away. Both are still standing (1997) and have appreciated astronomically as one might expect. They also built the Van Emelen house next door to the Procunier home. This house is still owned by Joel Van Emelen, cousin Claude's son and he lives there now! Additionally they also built the Keystone Congregational Church which unfortunately, has been radically remodeled from its original classic colonial style. Grandma and grandpa Procunier had a shakey start, but they enjoyed a happy and prosperous life in Seattle. In the fifties aunt Winnie and Uncle Guy made a trip back to South Dakota in that old Silver Streak trailer of Guy's genius. They went back to see the old homestead and check out Winnie's roots! ...... Jack Nicholson 3/97
David Charles Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432-2272
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittian Bragunier Robinson 1969
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film
Note: Anything not copyrighted in this publication can be reprinted with permission from the author David C. Procuniar. (It is appreciated if a credit line be given) Certain advertisers and writers may retain copyright on material which will be clearly marked as such. You must contact them about use of their material. Information in this publication was/is obtained from correspondence, newsletters and miscellaneous sources, which, in many cases cannot be verified 100%. In cases where you need to write the author for material, please send along a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
© Copyright 2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …