Milton Constantine Procunier 1883-1956
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Milton Constantine Procunier, the son of Isar Procunier & Oline Gusta Wieborg; married Frieda Benning (1888-1939) Olaf was born on 16 Sep 1883 in Chicago, Illinois; died in 1956; By trade Olaf was a farmer all his life!

Children: Richard Werner Procunier 1936- married 1st Janet Mesing 4-children; 2nd Carolyn (b-1940)

Dorothy Lee Procunier 1946- married William Olson; two children Eric & Lance Olson
Walter "Wally" Procunier 1910-1964 married Frieda Conner;

Children: Caesar Procunier
REF: Richard W. Procunier 7/98
Milton (Olaf) did not talk to his son Werner due to the way Werner treated his mother. Richard W Procunier stated that (Milton) Olaf's birth certificate was iniciated by a cousin Edward Hemmelgam of 1321 School St. Chicago, ILL & signed on July 7, 1943. Notorized by Daniel Dunne filed on July 10, 1943 Evedently this was a first attempt to create a birth certificate for Milton Constidine Procunier and Edward Hemmelgam supplied the information. I have no idea why they needed a certified birth certificate in 1943 when Milton didn't die until 1965. Richard W Procunier 1998
Richard Werner Procunier (
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© Copyright 2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …
Below: Birth certificate of Milton Constantine Procunier Sept 16, 1883 Chicago, Illinois
Father Isar Procunier - Mother Gusta Wieborg Procunier