Charles Augustus Bragonier 1837-1900
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Charles Augustus Bragonier; son of Jacob Bragonier (1804-1875) & Anna Aughinbaugh (1804-1879); Charles was born on 15 Sep 1837 in Hagerstown, Maryland, died 27 Nov 1900 in Grantville, California; married 17 Sep 1882 in San Diego, California Adele Fuller, Adele was born on 08 Aug 1854 in Independence Twp., Allegany Co., New York, died on 04 Feb 1945.
Children: No Children from this marriage!
Charles Augustus Bragonier was aledged that he was a General in the U.S. Army, See Walter Wellman, the genealogy of Wellmans 1918, page 502, Also see page 46-47 G. Randall, she aledges that this is the Alexander C. Bragonier listed in the 1860 Census for Middletown, Maryland. Shoemaker & clerk.
On 12/27/94 I sent for records for a Generl Buckner to National Archives. On 2/6/95 received noctice from the National Archives that they couldn't find anything on Charles Augustus Bergoyne. On 2/7/95 sent for his military records to the National Archives, Washington DC for an Augustus Bragonier Which they found.
Source: "The Bragonier Family" by Georgiana H. Randall 1969
"The Bragunier Family in America" by Brittian Bragunier Robinson 1969.

The Civil War record is as follows:
Charles Augustus Bragonier #439 R-Pro
Enlisted in the US Army Company M 4th Artillery
November 2, 1854 Newport Kentucky
Born in Washington County, Maryland
Aged 19, occupation clerk,
Enlistment for five (5) years
Hazel eyes, Light Brown hair, tan complexion
Five foot six and 1/2 inches high
Recruit Bragonier stated that his parents are dead and that he has no guardian
[His father died in 1875 and his mother died in 1879]
Enlisted again November 2, 1859 Fort Randall New Jersey
Enlistment for five (5) years
Enlisted again May 20, 1875 at Newport Kentucky
Signed saying he has neither wife or child and thirty four (34) years old
Hospital Steward
Augustus was given a medical disability discharge from the US Army on April 8, 1878 while serving as a Hospital Steward at Fort Concho, Texas. The medical Colonel of the 10th Cavalry stated that Augustus had been suffering from chronic dysentery with ulceration of the intestine since December 6, 1877 while on duty and it was the opinion of the medical officer that Augustus cannot continue to live in this climate (Texas), and his ultimate recovery will be probably remote under the most favorable circumstances not less than a year. Disability three-fourth 3/4, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, occurred in the line of duty. signed J.Z. DeHarme
Augustus desired to be addressed at Frederick City, Frederick County Maryland
Enlisted again October 4, 1878 San Diego California
Hospital Steward
Enlistment for five (5) years
Enlisted again October 4, 1883 San Diego California
Hospital Steward
Enlistment for five (5) years
Married Adele Fuller on 17 September 1882 San Diego California, aged 45
Enlisted again September 27, 1888 San Diego California
Hospital Steward
Enlistment for five (5) years
A Headstone Case was placed January 24, 1938
A SOS Ref. Slip issued July 9, 1937
David C Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittain Bragunier Robinson 1969.
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film.
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© Copyright 2001 David C. Procuniar … Reprinted with permission …