Catherine (Katie) Bragunier 1800-
A Thumbnail Biography by David C. Procuniar
All Rights Reserved Last updated: 31 Aug 2001
Catherine (Katie) Bragunier; daughter of Jacob Bragonier (1755-1821) & Elizabeth Palmer (1775-1859); Catherine was born on 23 Aug 1800 in Clear Springs, Maryland, her Christening was on 14 Jun 1801 also in Clear Springs, Maryland. Catherine married Michael Houck REF: Georgiana Randall pages 80-83
Children: no children known to this author
Email 3/5/2002 Kay Houck
I have been searching for years to find the correct Michael Houck marriage to a person named Catherine, and although I found several, they never tied in correctly with other facts I had about Michael Houck (Houck being the family I'm researching). I came across your writings about this family and needless to say, shouted for joy at having another possible Michael and Catherine marriage. And I might add, one that seems preliminarily to be in the right time period. Do you have anything further on this couple, especially, did they have a son Isaac. I would be most greatful for any information you can supply. If you are interested, I have a lot of information on the Michael Houck decendants, if this is the correct Catherine. I would be happy with just knowing if they had a son Isaac and when they were married. Thanks for any information you can provide. Kay Houck
Email 6-18-2003
Mary Rogers
Do you have anything on Michael Houck, that was married to Catherine Bragonier...he was my ggg grandfather
Mary Rogers, Lewistown, Pa
Email 6-20-2003
Mary Rogers []
Kay is my Aunt through marriage. Her husband and my father were brothers...and yes we did prove that this was indeed our Michael, by his will. There also seems to be a daughter Susannah, born 1816, who had no mothers name listed on her death certificate but did list this Michael (born 1785) as her father. My thinking was that he may have had a previous wife...since Catherine (born 1800) was so much younger than him. This Michael and Catherine are my 3rd great grandparents. Isaac (My 2nd gr grandfather) was listed on the probate of his will. This Susannah was never married but had 2 children to a Jacob Sewalt, whom it seems was married to someone else, the children were Mariah and Ephraim. I have a picture of Susannah, it is told that she smoked a corn cob pipe. Susannah was listed as living with Michael and Catherine on the 1850 census, was listed as a consort. Whatever that means...Interesting some of the things you find out on your searches. I am from Lewistown, Pa., but most of the Houck relatives are from Orbisonia, Pa.
Isaac and his son, my g grandfather John Samuel Houck, who was an undertaker in Orbisonia. Then Ralph Browning who owned the hardware store in Orbi for years and his children are on the following web page of mine. Thank you for your response

Mary Rogers...Lewistown, Pa.
Other Sources:
David C Procuniar 3598 Harry Truman Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45432
The Bragonier Family by Georgiana H. Randall 1969.
The Bragunier Family in America by Brittain Bragunier Robinson 1969.
First Reformed Church of Hagerstown Maryland church records on LDS micro-film.
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